Wednesday 1 May 2019


QANTAS and Rugby Australia take note. A little cultural sensitivity is in order with Pacific rugby players.

We have to understand that homosexuality and same sex marriage are not acceptable in cultures based on extended families as we see in Pacific nations.

These are only acceptable in cultures of western nations based on nuclear families with loose ties and limited obligations to family members outside the father, mother and children.

Extended families may consist of 100 members consisting of fathers, mothers, uncles, aunties, grandparents and cousins.

A same sex marriage is a matter of shame among family members focused on lineages of children to carry on to the future.

It will bring upset and possible violence. It is not the result of homophobia which is a word of western invention. Whoever does not support homosexuality is guilty of homophobia. The gays and lesbians want all or nothing.

Many traditional societies are based on pure Christianity. Only the pagans pick and choose what they want to believe out of Scripture. Support for same sex marriage in the Australian poll shows that most Australians are pagan.

Australian gay, lesbian and paedophile advisors in the United Nations and AusAID were wasting their time trying to bully PNG churches into accepting homosexuality. They would not dare try the same trick in Moslem countries.

Plan B when same sex marriage does not work is for the paedophiles to destroy families and steal the kids.

Corinthians 6 9-10. “ Do not fool yourselves. People who are immoral and worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual or who steal or are greedy or drunkards or slander others – none of these will possess God’s kingdom".

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