Sunday 19 May 2019


I write this report not as a political expert but as a student of modern history who has studied the rise and fall of communism in modern times. Australia has just rejected an overtly communist election agenda.

There was a time when the Australian Labor Party represented workers, families and communities with good relations with the employers. 

Now there is no representation of workers as the party has been taken over by communists, socialists, union representatives, gays and lesbians. 

But the workers are still voters. The ALP socialist left could not care less about unemployment in Queensland. They paid for that with no seats won. Queensland workers rejected the anti-worker climate change stance of the ALP.

I have been deeply worried about the agenda of the Labor party that would cause the Australian nation to fall. 

Bill Shortem has followed a Marxist-Leninist platform of robbing the rich and making the poor totally dependent on the State with money taken by all kinds of diabolical taxes.

He planned to make class divisions which was not followed by predecessors Hawke or Keating. There would be a massive reduction in private enterprise and small business. This would be guarded by the bullies from the trades unions. All workers would join unions.

Socialism has been a failed social experiment over the last century as it eliminated the capacity of ordinary people to care for themselves and families. Shorten promised equality for all except for the elite. All were to become equal in poverty.

The fat cats in the bourgeoisie workers were to be taxed, negative gearing stopped, house prices dropped, and jobs reduced in the state run enterprises. Critics would be permanently unemployed as per the Leninist agenda.

There has been economic failure in all nations that followed a socialist/communist agenda. The enemy was liberalism and private enterprise.

There was gross poverty in the early USSR with only the elite able to live in luxury. Modern Russia has poverty despite the shift to authoritarian capitalism. 

Soviet controlled East Germany remained poor and in stark contrast to West Germany with capital inflow and innovation from the USA. Now we watch Venezuela decline into Marxist poverty as begun by President Chavez and perpetuated by Maduro.

The socialist agenda was aimed to control all social, economic, family and sexual aspects of the nation. We see these in the Shorten agenda though the sexual changes were hidden from the voters to be unveiled when the Socialists came to power.

All children belonged to the State not the parents. All people had the right to sex, sex change and abortion. Children could seek gender reassignment without parental knowledge. 

Parents could not intervene and doctors as State employees would be arrested if they interfered. Many children who received brutal reassignment surgery could not have the process reversed. 

Suicide was often the only option for many traumatized children. They were under authority of the Gender Control Centre.

Thank God the Socialists/communists failed in the recent election. People can now get on with looking after families, setting up businesses, receiving pensions and buying houses at reasonable prices.

All is not won yet. The two opposition members seeking leadership of the Opposition are socialist left. School children who hit the streets on climate change will have the lesson of their lives about propaganda and tricks.

The State would remove freedom of speech. Media outlets and commentators would be closed down with critics punished.  

Followers would be encouraged to block free speech with hate and violence. The Greens leader would become the propaganda minister. Jews would suffer massive anti-semitism. Churches would have to be licensed by the State.

Major Bruce Copeland BA BEdSt (University of Queensland)
(Australian Army - retired)
Teacher of Modern History and Current Affairs in high
schools and officer training in the Australian Army

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