Wednesday 22 May 2019


Karl Marx: Religion is the opiate of the people.

A new day comes to Australia. Over many years, the socialist left and communists in the ALP have declared war on religious faith.

After the last election, the ALP learned that the conservative faith community of Christians, Moslems, Buddhists and Hindus had voted against them in the electorates around Sydney.

The pagan gay and lesbian community had planned a sexual revolution that rages in other parts of the world. 

The intent was to silence faith under a blanket accusation of homophobia. There was to be no inclusiveness for believers.

They planned an extension of gay and lesbian rights with lowering the age of consent for children, sex for all, gender reassignment for children without parental consent, removal of parental authority, abortion for young girls, sexuality curriculum for primary and secondary schools and legalization of sex work.

The immigrant Asian community rejected all this and voted against Labor.

Now two senior elected ALP members have made public statements that faith has to be respected and believers are to be part of the  inclusiveness in the community.

We learned on Sky News that the CEO of QANTAS is gay. This may have been the key to the exclusion of Rugby Union star Israel Folau for his postings on Facebook.

Papua New Guinea is far ahead of Australia with a focus on FAITH and FAMILY in the HIV/AIDS response under the leadership of Cardinal Sir John Ribat. The churches plan a bottom up approach for churches and care groups to support family, clan and community.

Not a foreign gay or lesbian in sight. They are all back in Australia sitting in their yachts.

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