Monday 1 July 2019


What is happening in the world today can be explained in terms of neo-Marxist-Leninist ideology. The old ideas of political ideology are fading. 

President Putin recently stated that Liberalism is out of date. Russia and China have moved to authoritarian capitalism. Western corporations are following suit in laying claim to total ownership of workers. That is why the Democrats hate Trump who is pulling US workers out of poverty.

Karl Marx started the ball rolling with the writings of exploitation of workers and society being divided into the bourgeoisie and proletariat. 

There would be spontaneous revolution of workers with the means of production taken over by the dictatorship of the proletariat. It never happened. The proletariat just stayed in their poverty.

Lenin arrived in Russia during WW1 in a German train planned by the Germans to destabilize the Russians. He preached a revolution with a dictatorship led by a political and economic elite. 

He died in 1924 after returning private enterprise temporarily to the people. Stalin took over amid mass assassination of colleagues and set up the dictatorship of industry and agriculture symbolized by the hammer and sickle. He killed a million farmers and took their land.

He led the USSR through WW2 and raised Soviet industry to the heights of inefficiency and corruption except for the blue ribbon defence industry. Soviet industry and agriculture struggled on after the death of Stalin in 1953.

The Soviet Union crashed in 1989 the result in the increased independence of the satellite nations. Industry ceased to be state controlled and entered a new phase copied from the Chinese of authoritarian capitalism. The Berlin Wall was smashed down in that year. 

This model is being copied in other nations including Australia. Corporations have now claimed control over workers and see the right to hire and fire for any breach of beliefs as held by the corporate elite.

Enter Israel Folau who posted a report on FACEBOOK about sinners going to hell. He incensed the corporate elite in Rugby Australia, QANTAS, Mazda, and HCF. Rugby Australia sacked him and he has taken Rugby Australia to Court.

Rugby Australia is blaming the corporate sponsors who are denying any involvement. We were seeing authoritarian capitalism beginning in Australia watched carefully by the quiet Australians.

Had the Labor Party won in the 2019 election, Australia would have moved into an era of Soviet and Chinese authoritarian capitalism supported by the socialist left, gays, lesbians and Greens Party. Australia would have never gone back to a middle Australian society.

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