Tuesday 16 July 2019


Support what the enemy opposes and oppose what the enemy supports. Loonies are anti-Australia and anti-semitic. Lesbians are not even loyal to gays. In the 1930s, Hitler was putting homosexuals in the gas chambers. Homosexuals and Jews were inclusive.

Leftist loonies want to generate divisions and hatred on the basis of neo-Marxist race, gender and class war. They would be total cowards in real war.

There are leftist loonies in the US Democrats who hate Trump despite his success in lifting employment and productivity.  Class war can only succeed in the midst of poverty.

Divisions will be based on race, religion and sexuality. There must be no peace only race, gender and class war. Peacemakers are the enemy.

They want divisions based on (1) Christian vs Moslem vs Jew (2) black vs white (3) homosexuals vs society and (4) children vs parents.

Loonies of the Australian Labor Party and Greens want a treaty between white "oppressors" and indigenous "victims". This would open up racial divisions among Australians which is totally loopy. 

Bob Brown was the founder of the gay and lesbian Greens. Now he opposes wind powered generators to be set up near his property. He says birds are being killed. He and the loonies are anti-electricity. When Australia has no power, the country will be  ripe for a neo-marxist revolution.

Australians voted for four indigenous candidates in the last election. There may be more next election if the loonies do not do too much damage. Looneys want war between indigenous and middle Australians.

In the last election, Labor policies were all top down measures to take money away from the families in support of the looney neo-Marxist class war.

The leftist looneys in Papua New Guinea employed by the UN and AusAID worked to their own race and gender agenda. They were all paedophile and sought a war between men and women. 

They support Islam but ignore the abuse of women and girls in (1) child marriage (2) genital mutilation and (3) honour murder of young women by family men. 

They have no credibility. In any war, they would hide. Why don't we deport them all to Syria to fight with the IS? Haha.

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