Tuesday 9 July 2019


The education systems of Australia are being attacked by half-educated leftist loonies guided by racist propaganda to accuse our ancestors of corruption, racism, genocide and exploitation of indigenous races. We all share the blame for wrongdoings of the past.

We need to remember that across the world, land changed hands many times across the centuries through warfare and genocide by technologically superior attackers.

Attackers included the Minoans, Babylonians, Huns, Franks, Germanics, Greeks, Persians, Moors and modern Islamist jihadists. Nazis massacred Jews and did not return stolen property to survivors after the war. Nor did the Bosnians.

Indigenous people were massacred by invaders as late as 100 years ago. Early settlers in Australia occupied Terra Nullius and slaughtered indigenous tribes with guns, poisons and moving tribes to islands in Bass Strait to die. 

Tribes in Victoria were poisoned with bags of flour laced with arsenic. This not the fault of those living today but is still a matter of shame.

But the looney leftists tell school kids that the land was stolen while we are all personally guilty. Let us see what the leftist loonies would do if a deputation of indigenous people arrived at their apartment in inner Sydney and claimed to own the land. Phone 911 !!

There is so much to do in Australia for all races. Young people of all races are committing suicide including young indigenous youth in the Northern Territory. Farmers with no hope are killing themselves as the drought sweeps their farms and rivers. Drugs are killing young people.

It was good to hear during the recent election of the numbers of white Australians working among the indigenous children in the Northern territory as teachers. 

More and more indigenous people are working within the electoral system. Many young indigenous men find a place in football.

We have to be more creative and focused in addressing sexual abuse and violence towards indigenous women and girls. It has been a slow process but we must get there in the end. 

But leftist loonies must not sabotage our civilization to ensure the break-up of families and the ascendancy of gay, lesbian and paedophile culture. 

Paedophilia is a crime. It is not to be dismissed as homophobia.

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