Tuesday 30 March 2021


The Papua New Guinea bureaucracy sure knows when to put intolerable pressure on families. The Governor Powes Parkop is putting families out on the street and destroying their dwelling places right in the middle of the COV19 pandemic.

The National Housing Commission is demanding that tenants of their rental homes pay up their rental arrears at the point that some are unemployed with no money to spend on family or rent. Some are ending up on the streets with starving families.

We would think that all this would be subject to a moratorium during COVID19 and plans to build new suburbs on land taken back from settlers. People matter.

How do starving families seek food for families with no home and no place to seek refuge? How many family members living on the streets will be infected with COVID 19?

NHC and NHEL have in years past employed the most corrupt thieves in the bureaucracy, stealing mainly rental houses.

I lived in an NHEL house several years ago, paying the rent for an old Filipino man Astor Gabuyo at 5 Mile. Then he went overseas for medical treatment. I was caretaker. House stealers moved in.

The NHEL scumbags decided to evict me as I was running a brothel, not an HIV/AIDS care centre. There were people coming and going for HIV/AIDS Positive Living advice. The NHEL scumbags said the people were coming for sex. NHEL needs a good clean up. They stole houses for themselves.

The ringleader was NHEL lawyer and past AIDS Council lawyer Bomal Gonapa who was a paedophile Chimbu from Sina Sina. He died some months later probably from AIDS or anal infection. There were other troublemakers who died too. AIDS Holistics still lives.

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