Sunday 28 March 2021


If the pandemic continues for several years and no vaccinations, the population of the world will drop by billions. Most of us will not be alive. Media reports advise that Astra Zeneca is 70% effective.

The community is having a field day with condemnation of the vaccine Astra Zeneca for COVID 19 according to Dr Paki Molumi Chief executive of Port Moresby General Hospital.

The views sought from readers of The National last week found about 90% refusing to being vaccinated. The PNG Prime Minister advises that the citizens can choose. We can thank the critics for that particularly those on FACEBOOK and street corners.

We are being told that the vaccine causes blood clotting which is a worry. This could lead to heart attacks, strokes and aneurisms. Then we are being told that this only applies to the aged people.

We have a pastor from the Mt Hagen Bible Church telling us not to be vaccinated. He says it is the work of God showing us his power with vaccine showing the Mark of the Beast. Vaccination has been with us for over 2 centuries. 

PNG has just completed an anti-polio campaign for children. The plan was to vaccinate every child in the nation. There are stupid people who oppose all vaccination.

There is a Bible Church in Waigani. I may just drop in on the Sabbath to assess observance of the COVID 19 protocols including social distancing in church and wearing masks.

How does the pastor not know that the vaccine is a gift from God? How do we not know that the pastor's public statement is not the Mark of the Beast? 

I have read a book by Doctor Ben Carson from John Hopkins hospital. Its title is Think Big. He operated on people with brain cancer and prayed for God's help. Please click:

5 Nov 2015 — Below are 11 such occasions, as Carson describes in “Gifted Hands” ... Pray. My mother had taught me to pray. My teachers at the religious ..

There was death on large scale with the bubonic plague in the Middle Ages and the Spanish Flu in 1918? The pastor says this is end times. There have been people talking of end times for centuries. The last was in 1848 at the pen of Ellen White.

This silly pastor has the idea that all vaccination will cause harm. He does not know much about vaccine if he thinks that the Astra Zeneca will turn into a virus in years to come. There are Christian doctors who seek God's support.

Does he have his parishioners follow the protocols? Do they wear masks? Do they keep their social distance particularly in church?

We are advised in The National today that there are no major side effects. This is to counteract the fear and confusion in the community.

Time will tell as to whether or not people are able to survive with vaccination. I suffer from prostate infection.

If infected with COVID 19, will the virus sweep through my body like burning petrol as explained in the media yesterday? I will make sure that I am vaccinated. What do I have to lose?

It is the best of the two options. With no vaccination, I may have no hope now that I am 74 years old. Who will look after my daughters and grand children if I die?

Vaccination does not stop the virus but it stops death particularly for those with pre-existing infections.

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