Tuesday 29 January 2019


I have been watching the international TV channels in recent months with a growing sense of fear for the future of the planet.

I recall the story of Superman who lived on the planet Krypton but was put in a space ship by his loving parents while the rest of the population argued about the rising temperature. That seems like an allegory for the present on planet earth.

For many years I have been a cynic about what I read but my resistance is weakening as I watch the doomsday programs on TV and reports on:

Global warming, weather changes, dangers of further rises in temperature, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes, rising temperature of the seas and ice caps, sea levels rising, inundation of populated land and destruction of cities and loss of fresh water.

Extinction of life forms, proliferation of viruses as the temperature rises, winter to disappear with an eternal summer, a new ice age, extinction of livestock and death of most of the human race with destruction of infrastructure that supplies power, water and food.

Breakdown of Government, rise of dictatorships, extreme right and left political groups and warfare,  nuclear war, supersonic atomic weapons, death rays and hundreds of locust drones released on a city armed with bombs.

Aliens, UFOs, alien visitors to early civilizations, technical advice to early human race, carvings of so-called gods in flaming chariots, sightings of UFOs, ancient structures built by aliens? reverse engineering, government secrecy and modern sightings.

I have lived a long life but am afraid for the future of the human race together with my children and grand-children. Does the world have a future?

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