Sunday 6 January 2019


Sky TV News 4 January 2019

The boy will undoubtedly go to prison for murder. Scumbag scientology leadership will go free when disconnnected followers commit suicide. 

They lose their families at the command of the cult who regard critics as criminals. Hitler and Stalin did that too. Scientology is unAustralian.

Last week an under-aged boy stabbed a security guard to death with a kitchen knife at the Scientology HQ in Sydney.

After watching the TV expose on the corruption of the Scientology cult, I feel sorry for the boy and guard. 

Both may have been victims of the Nazi style leadership of Scientology, an organization with a long track record of breaking up families for crimes that may have amounted to a comment of criticism against the thug leadership.

The young Taiwanese boy had gone to the HQ to see his mother. He had undoubtedly been disconnected from his family for whatever reason and denied access to his mother. He may have been in deep fear at being escorted out of the building.

He was just a boy and may well have been in deep stress and trauma at not being allowed to see his mother. Was he under arrest and being taken to the Scientology prison?

TV news called this a family feud. It may have been more a feud orchestrated by the Nazi leadership of the Scientologists. There is no forgiveness or healing in this scumbag sect. Followers have no civil rights.

Family members can be reported by family. The Nazi regime in Germany encouraged family betrayal. This may be the first family murder in a church in the world. 

Scientology is a money grabbing, pagan sect that rejects God and places faith in a galactic chieftain as represented by fake messiah Ron Hubbard. Followers pay huge sums to rise in the organization for Hubbard based knowledge of the secrets of living.

A TV episode pointed out that the Australian Scientology sect launders their millions of dollars through a bank in Europe.

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