Monday 10 August 2020


Explore the power of the underdog in Malcolm Gladwell's dazzling examination of success and the role of adversity ...

The act of facing overwhelming odds produces greatness and beauty. Giants are not what we think they are. The same qualities that appear to give them strength are often the sources of great weakness.

There is no better place to start than with the confrontation between David and Goliath 3000 years ago in the Valley of Eluh in Palestine.


I have an amazing book that I have read many times of the battle between David and Goliath. It reminds me of the war in Papua New Guinea between the UN an AusAID paedophiles and the founder of AIDS Holistics.

It demonstrates that power and strength can be a disadvantage when it slows down the battle with one combatant able to move faster.

The Philistines from Crete were moving up the Valley of Eluh. King Saul gathered his army on a ridge line to confront the enemy. The call was made for a one-on-one battle to save massive bloodshed.

Philistines sent their best man the giant Goliath who struck fear into the hearts of the Israelites. A shepherd boy David offered to fight armed with his sling shot. 

David told Saul he was used to killing bears and lions that attacked his flock of sheep. He was not afraid.

I never knew that in early days, there were deadly slingers in armies who could defeat the enemy with a hail of stones or iron balls.

Goliath saw him coming and was insulted. He called to him to come and become meat for birds. David ran forward and shot a stone into the forehead of Goliath who was stunned and fell down. 

David used his sword to cut of the giant's head. The Philistines retreated when they saw that Goliath lay dead.

I draw courage from David as I have been fighting the self-appointed giants from the UN and AusAID seeking to invade PNG uninvited to set up a gay, lesbian and paedophile lifestyle with the removal of FAMILY and FAITH from PNG traditional society.

They thought they were well equipped with an army of foreign and national paedophiles and intimidation of national doctors, care workers and clergy.

AIDS Holistics was not intimidated and stood largely alone. They had taken everything from him and he was not afraid of losing what was already taken. They had no bargaining chip.

I moved faster than they did and could anticipate all their moves. We all came through the flower power era of the 1960s.

They never stood a chance. They could not fight a war when there were FAMILY and FAITH forces lining the ridge lines behind AIDS Holistics.

The key self styled paedophile giants were Watson, Cox, Barter, Toole and Nape. Their major crime was to tell lies to people dying of AIDS before ART was made available. They discouraged their regular diet of FRUIT and VEGETABLES. How could they do that?

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