Thursday 11 February 2021


 The National 12 February 2021 Thank you Editor

Eating too much fat and sugar can change your microbiome for life, even if you later learn to eat healthier a new study on mice has found lately.

The study is the first to show a significant decrease in the number and diversity of gut bacteria. We studied mice but the effect we observe is equivalent to kids having a western diet high in fat and sugar and their gut microbiome still being affected up to 6 years after puberty.

The microbiome refers to all the bacteria, parasites and viruses that live on or inside the human animal. Most are found in the intestine and most are helpful, stimulating the immune system, breaking down food and helping to synthesize key vitamins.

In healthy bodies, there is a balance. If the balance is disturbed, through use of antibiotics, illness and unhealthy diet, the body could become susceptible to disease. There is a change in the balance that comes from regular exercise.

Footnote: a small boy lives down the road from me. He is 10 years old, grossly fat and eats mainly twisties and drinks soft drink. His mother is foolishly killing him.

Children from early age need a daily diet of fruit and vegetables, grains and nuts - apples, oranges, mandarines, mangoes, carrots,water melons, bananas, broccoli, avocado, pears, prunes, cabbage and many more.

Ignore the view of Watson and Cox of UN who claimed that fruit and vegetables killed people. They were just making the family of Linda angry so that the brothers would kill her carer and allow UN paedophiles to control the Positive Living message. 

Let us hope Cox never stands for PNG parliament on an agenda that rejects FAMILY and FAITH.Their professionalism as English teachers and unqualified AIDS experts was in their arses.

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