Thursday 10 October 2019


The plague arrived in PNG in the mid 1990s which caused fear as people died within 4 years. There were horror stories of people being buried alive and forced to live in the village gardens until they died.

People seemed to move quickly to AIDS with depletion of their immune systems. This caused the onset of opportunistic infections, dementia and memory loss. They lost protein in hair, fingernails, toenails and muscles.

The message developed that people lived longer if they kept their immune system strong through family, peace, exercise, fresh fruit and vegetables, and avoidance of betel nut, cigarettes, beer, home brew. This was Positive Living.

My family had radically changed when my son and his mother were diagnosed HIV positive.  We tried to live by POSITIVE LIVING with daily fruit, vegetables, clean water and exercise..

This message first hit the world at the Chiangmai International conference in 2002. There were AusAID advisors who attended the conference but never brought the message home. But the founder of AIDS Holistics managed to obtain all conference papers. Haha.

The AusAID thugs had wanted to promote Positive Living too but with FAMILY and FAITH removed. The mind boggles. They wanted all girls and boys to be free from families and faith. Kids were to be on the streets for paedophile sex.

AIDS Holistics promoted Positive Living with FAMILY and FAITH but were immediately banned from all AIDS awareness and vilified with gross false news. We were full of errors. AusAID thugs were full of shit !! FAMILY and FAITH killed people so they claimed.

My family had been devastated when my son and his mother were diagnosed HIV positive, I remained negative but became involved in AIDS Care. I could not stand by and do nothing and so promoted Positive Living from the conference papers.

Most people with HIV and AIDS were women and came to 3 Angels Care for help from Joe Lari. They looked like AIDS death with skeleton bodies, hair falling out like old women and apparent loss of memory.

The arrival of ART medication was still 6 years away but sufferers had to keep their immune systems strong. Most failed with smoking, boozing and eating rubbish food. Most died from infection in the 1990s. 

AIDS Holistics took up the message but it was only partly successful with smoking and boozing. My son's mother secretly smoked. Smoking infected breast milk for the baby and caused throat infections that allowed entry of the virus.

But Positive Living was opposed by the UN and AusAID thugs as it cut across the anti-family and anti-faith gay and lesbian agenda. We focused on love, marriage, selection of a spouse, gender equality, family planning, responsibilities, rights and honesty. This was filthy talk to the paedophiles.

So they pushed all the blame for AIDS deaths on Positive Living and the founder of AIDS Holistics. But the message had already been put on the map in The National by late Yehiura Hwiehwazi and Frank Kolma.

It was sabotaged by Malum Nalu in support of the UN and AusAID paedophile thugs. He locked into the AusAID and UN fake news that the founder abused women and children.

He abused Lydia Kailap by sending emails that she was a black cock whore whose private parts stank. Her crime was that she married a PNG man. Nalu was no gentleman but a bush kanaka sexist and racist thug.

Nalu knew nothing of me if he thought he could convince people that I abused any woman on email.

Even was not enough. My blog is full of Christian kindness except to paedophile creeps from the UN, AusAID and the lone creep on The National. I do not hide behind other people's names but always use my own name.

Nalu had another faith page in the Weekend magazine today. He has not been sacked but demoted to a focus on Faith. Well done.

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