Tuesday 15 October 2019


Take me to court.  It can become the show trial of the last 44 years of PNG independence.

My family was betrayed and vilified by neo-nazi activists from Australia disguised as AIDS advisors who sought to remove FAMILY and FAITH from the AIDS agenda with help from PNG collaborators. Imagine a world with kids everywhere and no family and faith. They lived in LGBT communes.

There were several officers who viciously betrayed the National HIV/AIDS response in the country and took a stance to maximize their own employment with the AusAID paedophiles.

Dr Clement Malau vigorously opposed Positive Living, preferring to support the AusAID gay and lesbian agenda that banned FAMILY and FAITH. For betrayal, he was given a posting to Melbourne to work with Burnet. He has now found his level outside of the medical field.

Dr Moale Kariko publicly opposed the Positive Living message saying to the audience that it was an unproven theory. Silly old twit. Did he win his medical degree in a chicken raffle? Positive Living would have been basic knowledge in first year medical college.

Chief Sir Peter Barter was a well known paedophile in Madang and Chairman of the National AIDS Council. He viciously opposed Positive Living with FAMILY and FAITH. He sacked Wep Kanawi who had spoken to the media that the epicentre of the AIDS response was family. 

He sent an email to the founder of Aids Holistics advising his arrest to come and daughters taken into care for sex abuse. Creep. His email is on file ready for Court if need be.

Professor Michael Toole was gay head of Burnett who led a group of gay and lesbian advisors and viciously opposed Positive Living. We have on email record his advice to readers that the founder was mentally ill, abused women and promoted a killer message full of errors. He was supported by journalist Malum Nalu.

Bomal Gonapa (dec) as paedophile lawyer for the National AIDS Council and National Housing Corporation, he announced that the founder of AIDS Holistics was a trespasser in the AIDS building and to be removed by security guards with violence if necessary and placed under arrest by police.

We became trespassers when the AusAID paedophiles Watson and Cox had us banned for refusing to remove FAMILY and FAITH from our Positive Living message. Malau supported Gonapa like a good little traitor.

Gonapa had AIDS Holistics care centre at 5 mile evicted from a housing commission unit on the claim that the founder was running a brothel. We were looking after the lessee for 5 years and paid his rent. We regularly had people come for counselling and support. 

All our files were lost when we were evicted by thug NHC and Gordons police. We retrieved the hate mail file.

Lady Roselyn Morauta stood for the position of President of a combined care group in Port Moresby. She won the seat and never called another meeting again. It effectively shut down the Positive Living message to all care groups. This was gross corruption.

Keith Jackson claimed on his blog that the founder of AIDS Holistics knew nothing of AIDS awareness, had trashed a number of professional doctors, was about to be deported and to be taken to Court in Australia for defamation. He claimed his blog was being attacked. In his dreams. 

He supported the paedophile Burnet Institute that was pushing gay, lesbian and paedophile politics. 

Only the month before he had praised Copeland, Renagi and one other as his top contributors. Then the paedophiles opened up their attack to get gay and lesbian rights through parliament. 

Copeland became the instant enemy attacked by journalist Malum Nalu. Jackson had worked with a team of gays and paedophiles on NBC in the 1960s.

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