Friday 4 October 2019


Positive Living is now the key message in the PNG media. But to avoid the hatred and discrimination of the past, the message is now known as Healthy Living. The foreign activists failed.

During the hate campaign by journalist Malum Nalu, it appeared that the founder of AIDS Holistics was sending filthy emails to women which made followers of Positive Living angry and disgusted. Every week someone demanded that they be taken off my email site.

Add to that was the hate campaign by the UN and AusAID child molesters that Positive Living was a fake message full of errors. Leaders were Watson and Cox.

How could there be errors in a message that referred to faith, love, peace, hope, family, friends, work, sleep, relaxation, exercise, clean water, fruit, vegetables, grains and nuts, and avoidance of alcohol, home brew, betel nut, marijuana, ice and cocaine?

The foreign child molesters were determined to block any message on FAMILY and FAITH.

A leading paedophile Sir Peter Barter was determined to remove any focus on family. Paedophiles wanted kids on the streets for sex. Barter has never taken legal action for defamation. Wise move.

Australian activists betrayed Papua New Guinea for gay and lesbian sex, but another Australian put the message back on the rails. Chinese doctors would not betray like that.

But many of my friends including several doctors stayed with Positive Living as they knew that there was something wrong. 

Many knew that my email address was not that was being used by Nalu to put out vicious hate mail pretending to be me.

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