Saturday 5 October 2019


There has never been a summary for AIDS Awareness from the PNG National AIDS Council. The only check-list has come from AIDS Holistics.

The following is intended to provide guidance to all citizens particularly young people seeking sexual experiences for the first time. There are so many mistakes they can make.

HIV is the virus. AIDS is the condition of breakdown of the immune system leading to the death of the sufferer.

PLWHIV are people living with the virus but whose lives have been saved by Positive Living and ART.

PLWHA are people living with the onset of AIDS that has broken down the immune system and led the sufferer to painful brain damage, skeletal body and fearful nightmares of being killed by evil spirits.

Dementia is the condition of brain damage that comes with the onset of AIDS. Victims suffer fear, delusions and hallucinations of being killed by evil spirits. 

A pregnant woman must seek HIV testing before the baby is born. She must have started on ART that kills the virus in the blood but not in the hiding places. 

A baby can be infected by mother's blood on passing out through the birth canal if the mother is not on ART.

A raped woman must go to the AIDS clinic within 72 hours for PEP treatment as a precaution against the man being HIV positive. The virus in the blood will be destroyed and the baby will be protected.

baby can be infected by the HIV virus through the birth canal and through breast milk particularly if the mother is smoking and drinking alcohol.

First and second line ARV are medications given to the sufferer. If the person defaults on the first line, the virus will rebound with further onset of AIDS and death. 

It becomes necessary for the victim to start the second line. Default this time will ensure death. Some countries have a third line but not PNG.

Gay sex can cause HIV infection through anal sex that damages the wall of the intestine. Infection can be caused through vaginal, anal and oral sex.

An infected person on ART must still use a condom as there may be residual virus in the blood from default. A person must seek a viral load test before any sex without a condom.

That is not permanent as the following week or month there may be default and the partner is then infected.

A PLWHA person in final AIDS becomes like a skeleton as the body has no protein reserve and the body eats its muscle, fingernails and toenails. No protein remains for hair growth and hair falls out.

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