Thursday 30 January 2020


Sufferers with HIV infection and no ART medication will slowly lose weight as the HIV proceeds. There is no reserve of protein in the body except in the brain, muscles, fingernails and hair. So the body consumes its own protein.

With ART medication, the body no longer consumes its own protein as the person can now eat and digest protein.

But the body starts to lose fat in the arms, legs, face and abdomen. This is called lipodystrophy.

There is a new build up of fat in the belly. It means that a person on ART must take care in eating too much fat.

Too much fat can lead on to heart disease, diabetes 2 and cancer. We have people trying to tell us that an HIV infected person on ART goes back to normal. That is only partly true.

Default on ART and the HIV virus rebounds. Ignore healthy nutrition, smoke cigarettes with alcohol consumption and the immune system drops.

Diet is always important which is why AIDS Holistics has always focused on Positive Living with fruit, vegetables and clean water.

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