Sunday 3 February 2019


Some students will enter a grade without Personal Development from the previous grades. So there is a revision component at each grade.

Broad overview for each grade.

Families – nuclear and extended
Needs of family members
Rights and responsibilities of family members
Choosing a husband or wife
Role models & self esteem  in family, community, 
school and work place.


Unit 1  growth of a child from baby to adulthood.

Unit 2  needs of a young child, abused children and healthy living for a young person.

Unit 3 - Marriage, domestic violence in families, monogamy, problems of polygamy, rights of women and girls, violence of some mothers and sisters in-law against a man’s wife.

Unit 4 - Causes of HIV, pathway of HIV virus, physiology of the human body - heart and blood vessels, immune system, liver, kidneys, with male and female reproductive system.

Onset of AIDS, weight loss, memory loss, dementia, antiretroviral (ARV) medication, rules of treatment, timely commencement of ARV, immunity of the virus through medication default, first and second line of drugs and death.

Dangers of cholera, polio, measles, tuberculosis and malaria.


Unit 5  - Revise units 1-4.

Unit 6  - methods of contraception, pregnancy and birth, woman to attend anti-natal clinic, HIV test early in pregnancy, positive nutrition, no smoking or alcohol, exercise, physiology of pregnancy, preparations of the mother for birth with rights and wrongs of abortion.

Unit 7 – education and employment before marriage, need of married couple to support and be supported by family, role models to children and extended family members with family planning and danger of kwashiorcor, immediate steps for a raped woman.

Unit 8 -  Nutrition – fruit, vegetables, grains and nuts, importance of protein in meat and plants, benefits and dangers of vegan lifestyle, clean water, reduction in blood sugar that leads to diabetes two, dangers of lipodystrophy for HIV sufferers on ARV, dangers of breast, skin and colon cancer, dangers of betel nut in onset of cancer.

Unit 9 – role models in family, schools, workplace, and community, family values, universal values, importance for values in society, extreme hate groups such as Klu Klux Clan and Neo-Nazis, rise of anti-semitism across the world, rise of political, sexual and religious cults.


Unit 10  - Revise units 1-9

Unit 11 – Gender rights across the world. Christian and Islam gender roles for women, break-down of families across the world, drug trafficking in the world, killer drugs for young people, paedophile attacks on children, serial killing of women in the USA, rights and wrongs of capital punishment.

Unit 12 – gender violence in Pacific countries, violence to women and girls? Violence to men and boys? Sexual violence to women and girls in Moslem countries, legalization of sex workers, effects of family break-down, lowering of the age of consent, gay and lesbian rights, social rejection of paedophiles, Papua New Guinea and same sex marriage.

Unit 13 – Christian faith, Catholicism and Protestantism, different views on God and Allah, compare values promoted by Christians, Moslems, Hindus and Buddhists. Is there truth in ancient legends? modern theories on aliens visiting earth in eons past.


Unit 14 – revise units 1-13.

Unit 15 – future of the world with global warming, supersonic arms race between US, Russia, Iran, North Korea and India, overpopulation of the world and destruction of plants and wild life, extremist politics to rise in all nations and search to put people on Mars.

Unit 16 – Importance of family, freedom of opinion for world citizens, universal values to remain, wars of the future, global warming to cause nations to be covered in water, loss of food and clean water, loss of wild life and domestic stock.

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