Monday 4 February 2019


We all need a good laugh. Loony comes from the word lunatic and derived from the French word for moon La Lune. Lunatics have been long believed to come out on the full moon.

In the 1960s and 1970s when I was much younger, politics was quite straight forward.

The extreme left were the communists led by Stalin.  The extreme right were fascists led by Hitler, Mussolini, Idi Amin and a gaggle of South American dictators. 

It was all about the control of industry. The private monopolies controlled industry in fascist systems. They built the war machinery.

The state controlled the industry and agriculture in communist systems. The Soviet hammer and sickle said it all.

US presidents opposed the extreme left represented by Soviet dictators and Fidel Castro.

They supported dictators of the extreme right particularly in South America who would oppose the dictators of the extreme left. There are now dictators of the left in South America.

That is a key to all the political troubles in South America today with refugees and cocaine trafficking.

But today it has all changed. The Soviet Union has crashed and been replaced by capitalist communism.

The Chinese communists no longer execute citizens for following the capitalist road. China follows the capitalist-communist road. There are now hundreds of billionaires in Russia and China.

Where does that leave the socialist left in Australia? They are not interested in monopolizing industry. All the old Australian communists have gone the way of the dinosaurs.

In earlier times the liberals were middle right while socialists were middle left. But times are changing.

Some liberals and nationals  have moved towards the far right while some socialists have moved towards far left.

Both have linked with gaggles of non-aligned activists focused on same sex marriage, small birds in the Adani mining area, climate change with women’s and aboriginal rights.

But the political scene has changed. There was at one time a focus on logical argument in calling for the end of the Vietnam war.

But now thanks to Twitter and Facebook there is a tendency for non-intellectual drop-outs to scream fake news in slogans with name calling rather than reasoned argument.

They are expecting social media likes from hundreds of fellow loonies. Anyone wishing to make a reasoned speech has to be shouted down just like African Americans shouted down by neo-nazis and skin heads.

The political continuum is no longer a straight line with extreme left and right at each end. It is now in a circle with both extremes bunched together.

American dropkick activists are generally uneducated and unemployed and blaming the niggers and Jews for all their failures and failures of the nation. They want to stir up trouble and attract an army of fellow dropkicks.

The political scene in Australia is in for a shock at the next election. Surely the voters of Australia have become pissed off with the undergraduate posturing of the independents and Greens.

They are jostling for advantage like school kids pushing on to the school bus. They make statements like the local high school politics club. They are swapping allegiances with no sense of loyalty and think the voters will buy it.

Key left wing groups in Australia include the Australian Labor Party, trade unions, the socialist left that grew out of the old Communist party, a new group called GetUp and the Greens that grew out of opposition to the Franklin Dam in Tasmania and morphed into a gay and lesbian action group led by Bob Brown.

The assumption is that the nation will be taken over by a gaggle of independent women supported by the Greens  who are described as having Stalinist leaders. We can all call names.

Like the Hitler Youth and the Klu Klux Klan, the task is to shout down and abuse any person with a view not to be addressed. In the USA, the key right wing groups are the Klu Klux Klan and the Neo-nazis.

TV presenter Kerry Ann Kenneally was called a racist for talking about whether or not the Australia Day white activists have stood against the aboriginal men bashing and raping aboriginal women and girls. That brought accusations of being racist. Duuuh.

Now we have the looney left or right in the USA calling the Mary Poppins movie racist for the white child chimney sweeps having sooty black faces. Duuuh. Not a word against Michael Jackson for making his face white.

That will bring hundreds of likes on social media from the leftist and rightist loonies. I am at a point of now being unable to distinguish between the more hidden left and right.

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