Thursday 28 February 2019


There is now a new activist group in the western world that does not eat meat. They call themselves vegans. What makes them different is that they want the whole world to be the same.

There are three groups of eaters in the world - herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. The wild animals of the planet tend to be carnivore and their digestive system is tuned to the nutrition of meat alone.

There are more herbivores in the world who eat mainly vegetation, grass, fruit and vegetables. There are more because the food is more plentiful for the sheep, goats, wildebeests, elephants, giraffes and springboks.

There are fewer carnivores as they have to hunt for their food. They eat mainly herbivores. The carnivores have a valuable role in keeping the herbivores from growing to plague proportions.

All fish are carnivore and have a special place in the food chain. The human race tends to eat only herbivores. 

We never hear of tigers and lions being eaten as they would be deemed as unclean. Pigs are seen to be unclean by some religious groups because they eat meat. We eat fish that are carnivore but the creatures of the sea are deemed to be clean.

In some Asian countries there is the practice of eating dogs and cats which is greeted with disdain in western nations.

The human race has domesticated animals for consumption - cattle, sheep, goats, chickens and ducks. But the vegans are telling us that domestic animals must not be killed for meat.

We do seek to look after domestic animals and kill them humanely. We do not accept the suffering of the live animal export.

Now we have looney vegans forming vigilante groups in Australia to raid farms and liberate farm animals. The day will come when we are greeted in the media by reports of vigilante groups being shot by farmers.

These loonies oppose killing of farm animals but undoubtedly have no problems with abortions of babies. There is now a far left looney group in the world seeking abortion after birth. The rest of us call that murder.

Jesus found his disciples among fishermen. Is eating fish regarded by loonies as cruel and inhumane?

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