Sunday 17 May 2020


Over the last 15 years, Australian paedophile activists in the HIV/AIDS campaign  claimed to the Papua New Guinea community that the Positive Living message with fruit and vegetables was a fake and killer message.

With Coronavirus response, strengthening the immune systtem with fruit and vegetables  not overcooked with vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants seems to be ignored by Governments and the World Health Organization.

Google reports advise that the virus kills people who are obese with weak immune systems. These foolish people have been ignoring fruit and vegetables, clean water and exercise. 

They have eaten mainly fatty food with plenty of pasta cooked in oil. There is a high mortality rate among African-Americans in the USA. Why?

Now that restaurants are being opened, people are rushing back to their old dietary and drinking habits. Is processed food the key to economic recovery? What about fresh fruit and vegetables from markets and supermarkets grown by Australian farmers.

Fatty rubbish food makes us obese and vulnerable to organ failure, trigliceride fats on the belly, high blood pressure, strokes and allows the virus to penetrate body organs. The sufferer dies when all organs fail.

Old people may die in nursing homes from pre-existing illnesses, lack of exercise and non-nutritious food. Theymay  have weak immune systems for several health reasons.

Athletes who exercise have no body fat and do not die of the virus. So many people have recovered from the virus across the world. That means they are healthy with strong immune systems and no obesity.

Why is it that more people seem to be dying in the developed nations than among the people in the developing world?

Are the people of the developing world too poor to buy expensive processed food? They just eat what they can from their gardens. They do not overeat. Many can not even do that.

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