Wednesday 27 May 2020


People with strong immune systems will probably survive CoVID-19

Post Courier 28 May 2020 Letter to the Editor - Environmental Scientist

Our immune systems are built upon exposure to the many bacteria and viruses that live around us. Due to this exposure, we have built our immune system over time to withstand opportunist diseases such as flu, malaria etc.

The building blocks for a strong immune system are the bacteria and viruses out there. There are more than 40,000 bacteria and viruses that live among us.

It is not only our eating healthy food that will build a strong immune system. It is our exposure to the environment around us.

Look at how our grand parents survived to old age. My grand parents are in their 90s now They were exposed to dirt, hunted, cultivated the land and got their hands dirty.

They stood the test of time from generation to generation. 

Our immune system carries bacteria, pathogens, microbes, antibodies, vitamins and nutrients. Our immune system will protect us from Coronavirus and give our bodies breathing space with the HIV virus.

It is important for us to have a regular intake of fruit, vegetables and clean water.

Postscript. There was an old man in the village of Naduri on the Kokoda Track. He would greet trekkers as they passed through. He was 104 years old and served as a native policeman on the track during the war.

I once asked his secret of life. He said that he ate only fruit and vegetables in all his life and attended the Seventh Day Adventist church. 

People who live to be old are often those with self discipline. So many PNG people die in the age range of 40-54. Many eat pig fat, processed food and drink beer.

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