Thursday 28 May 2020


The bodies of all life forms have basically similar structure. Into the body is taken water, oxygen and nutrients. From the body comes urine, carbon monoxide, water and faeces.

The body consists of structure to keep the organs in place. Coordination is the work of the brain together with hormones from the pituitary gland and other endocrine organs.

The body absorbs oxygen to be taken by blood vessels through the lungs and into all body cells. Oxygen provides the life force and circulated through brain, heart, arteries, veins, muscles and capillaries.

There are two systems for the carriage of fluids. The blood system circulates backwards and forwards to the cells. The lymph system connects with major veins to the heart. Lymph mixes with the blood to be called the immune system.

The alimentary system carries water and nutrients to the stomach and intestines. Food is absorbed through  the small intestines. In the small intestine are millions of microbes that form a key part of the immune system. These protect the body from the harmful pathogens.

There are billions of microbes in the body, on the skin, on pets and in the air. Microbes are found on every part of the house and ground. The microbes are part of our existence and protect us from infection. These must not be killed by overuse of antibiotics. Living creatures live in harmony with the microbe population.

Water and nutrients are absorbed through the small intestine to be carried to the liver. Fat passes through the lymph vessels to the heart and on to the liver.

There are millions of microbes and pathogens in the immune system. They enter through the intestine. Helpful microbes protect the body from infection by attacking the pathogens. All parts of our body need to be healthy from infection.

All need healthy nutrition with limited fats and sugars and clean water especially the brain, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys and digestive tract. All are vulnerable to tumours and cancer.

There are thousands of bacterial and viral infections. We are protected by a strong immune system. Infection can be identified by the presence of antibodies produced by the immune system for every infection.

Some people weaken their immune systems by overuse of antibiotics that destroy all bacteria even those that protect the body.  Poor nutrition that excludes fruit and vegetables will weaken the immune system.

Coronavirus kills people with weak immune systems that come from poor nutrition, obesity and lack of exercise.

In a recent media report, the PNG health department advised that people with HIV and irregular or no antiretroviral medication are vulnerable from Coronavirus if their CD4 or T-cell count is less that 300.

Children are weakened if delivered by caesarean section. A baby receives a mouthful of microbes on passing through the birth canal to begin life outside the womb.

Doctors are arranging for babies to be wiped with tissues laden with microbes incubated in the mother's birth canal if the baby was delivered by caesarean section.

The Australian UN and AusAID paedophiles spread the word that fruit and vegetables killed people. They never mentioned that anal sex, child abuse and gut parasites in gay men also killed people. 

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