Friday 10 July 2020


Where is the autopsy report that Yaldiye is said to be holding but keeping secret? Where is the Nape will that cites my daughter's sons as part owners of the hotel. It will all come out in Court.

With Nape and Rachael dead, Yaldiye would take the two little boys and steal their share of the hotel. Bomana prison waits. That is why he refused to attend welfare meetings. He has so much to hide.

Yaldiye Nape studied medicine in Australia for two years before his father took him off. He shows all the characteristics of a psychopath who kills people. Hitler was like that.

He came back to PNG when his father was dying but did not have him admitted to hospital for almost 3 weeks. 

He had him admitted 5 days before he died in intensive care at the insistence of my daughter. The father could be still alive if admitted two and a half weeks earlier. Now Yaldiye has taken the hotel.

Then Yaldiye tried to have my daughter killed by telling Chimbus at the funeral that she was responsible for the death of his father.

Why did he let security thugs at Paedophile Palace bash me when all I did was look after two boys and buy food. Then I was kicked out on the street with my daughter and sons.

It is good he did not become a doctor. The community does not need a psychopath doctor who can kill people.

If Yaldiye wants to take me to Court for defamation or cybercrime, let him explain why he delayed admittance of his dying father to hospital.

Why did he try to have my daughter murdered by Chimbus with his false accusation of killing his father? 

Why did he allow Chimbu security thugs bash me for nothing before kicking me out in the street with my daughter and Nape's sons? I am a 74 year old man and a grandfather.

These issues will be raised in District Court when Rachael takes Court action. She has a lawyer.

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