Sunday 5 July 2020


This report is intended for tenants, present and future, police, Courts, Welfare, Yaldiye the psychopath and his lawyer.

Yaldiye, son of the late Jeffrey Nape is a psychopath who tells so many lies he forgets the truth. He has bullied my daughter and almost tipped her over the edge since his father died in mysterious circumstances, probably murdered not by my daughter.

He would make a great leader of sorcery killers torturing women. He learned his lies and dishonesty from his father speaker of parliament. What was parliament thinking of to make an ex-convict speaker of the house?

Yaldiye hated his father but pretended at the funeral to be loving and grieving. The family hated him for kicking out their mother and pretending for many years that she was alive when she was dead. Son Yaldiye has her picture tattooed on his arm. The children waited for years to see her. Nape wanted to be buried in the village. Yaldiye buried him at Morauta - final punishment.

Nape was very ill about 4 years ago but his son refused to take him to the hospital, He admitted his father after 3 weeks when he was 3 days from death. He told the congregation at Sione Kami church funeral that his father was a mother and father to him. Liar. He gave medicine to his father.

He told my daughter that she was his father's girl friend and not entitled to  financial help for her two sons who were fathered by Nape in one of his daily rapes on my 15 year old daughter.

I as the father have my own views on Nape's claims on my daughter. Jeffrey Nape was a brutal paedophile who raped my daughter at any time, even when she was cooking food. Take your knickers off. Bend down. Keep stirring the food.  I was banned from access even after complaining to Police and Welfare.

He wanted to marry my second daughter too but I took her to Lae. He wanted her when she was 14 years old. I threatened to kill him as he sat in his vehicle at Vision City if he stole my second daughter.

As he sat in his car waiting for his slave girl to buy food, I would hit his side window and head with an axe. Then I would kill myself.

Last Friday, Yaldiye had a change of heart after attending a police interview. He had told them he just wanted to protect his step-brothers. But I thought he has said Rachael was his father's girl friend !!

These boys are my grand-sons and not related to the Napes. But according to the crazy bastards among the Chimbus, Rachael is a wife. 

But not for any allowance. Rachael sent her elder son to Zion Zeal school before the Yaldiye scumbag cut her allowance and kicked them all out. Now her son can not go to school.

Nape kicked her out for allegedly having sex with his brother who is the family No 2 psychopath disguised as a kind boy.

This creep decided his step-mother was to be his wife. He demanded sex with the threat of killing her and committing suicide. Rachael was afraid of him. 

If she went out, Angu would demand to know where she was going. He would be waiting for her to come back and make demands on her about where she had been.

When Rachael was kicked out and faced the Chimbu bush kanaka kangaroo Court, Angu was in the highlands to avoid any questions. Rachael was allowed no witnesses who would have been afraid to come anyway.

According to Yaldiye, Rachael was a wife not a  girl friend. That is the psychopath in him. He demanded the two sons. 

The bush kanakas at the kangaroo court warned this lone sexually abused raped sex slave girl that if the boys died she would be killed. They would have to kill the father this time and take away his bush knife.

Yaldiye does not trust my daughter with money so he put her allowance in his pocket. He now has her tenant pay directly to him. Rent goes into Chimbu pockets for Rachael's apartment and all tenants.

No money goes to company tax. Yaldiye like his father has defrauded the State of millions of kina in unpaid taxes. There are no annual audits. This hotel  is the Nape private money machine.

Yaldiye has publicly accused Rachael of killing his father. She was 18 at the time and suffered from daily rape from the father and punishment for clothes that he objected to. She did all the housework while Yaldiye and brothers and sister sat on their arses.

But all indications are that Nape was murdered by his elder son as punishment for kicking out the mother and letting her die. The son refused to admit him to hospital three weeks before only when he was 3 days from death.

Yaldiye announced to the assembled Chimbus at the funeral that my daughter murdered Nape. There is an autopsy report that Yaldiye is said to hold but is kept secret from all family and others. Nape should be investigated for murder.

Only yesterday he sent a text telling Rachael he was her step-son - now she was not Nape's girl friend !! This is Yaldiye the psychopath at work. He had just been to the police interview. It was time to change his story and tell new lies. We go back at 2pm today.

fear the Chimbus will snatch the two little boys. That will tip Rachael over the edge. She has already attempted suicide twice as a teenager. 

I will do my best to protect them. I am the one the Chimbu nigger Nape accused of sexually molesting my daughters supported by paedophile white nigger Sir Peter Barter.

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