Wednesday 7 October 2020


Editorial The National letter to the editor 7 October Misak Ruri

Heart diseases are not gene-oriented but caused by careless eating behaviour and lifestyle. 

As part of a healthy diet eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, fibre-rich whole grains, fish, nuts, legumes  seeds and vigorous exercise.

Our hearts are fragile and so we must take care. 

Comment: We can see what happens to our hearts by examining the sheep hearts in the super market. These have a layer of fat at the top with fat extending down the coronary arteries. 

Fat passes from the small intestine up to the heart by the Lymph vessels. Fat then settles into the coronary and lymph vessels. If any fat breaks off and blocks an artery of the heart, we suffer a heart attack.

AIDS Holistics got the fruit and vegetables message right for all these years. Fruit and vegetables keep us healthy and will not kill us as the AusAID and UN paedophiles have claimed.

I think I will have to start buying bunches of peanuts at the markets for the family. Nuts are a key part of Positive Eating.

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