Monday 19 October 2020


128,000 PNG hits as of this morning.

Joe Lari was an innocent party to the events of 3 Angels Care. Before my arrival as caretaker, it was not known by that name.

The PLWHA led by Momo, Elaipe and Marabe were not telling people they were HIV positive but employees of UNDP. The apartment was UNDP accommodation with Peter Momo in charge.

But this did not match the boozy and sex focused lifestyle with booze parties at night funded by the salaries from UNDP. Men arrived to booze and stay the night with HIV positive women. Danger was lurking.

The darker side was that women did not advise that they were HIV +. Men slept at the centre and ate food supplied by the Australian tax payers. 

The most troublesome was Jay, a drunken and violent boy the cousin of Max, Elaripe's husband who had died abandoned.

There was violence of Jay to Elaripe every week when Jay came back from town drunk. The same issue cropped up each week and he would bash her for making him HIV +.

But she undoubtedly denied she was HIV + telling him she worked as a carer for UNDP. Max was HIV positive but she was not.

Elaripe was concerned when the bashing became a police issue at the hand of the new caretaker. This was GBV.

She then claimed to police that she was being bashed by the caretaker. Jay was protecting her.  It seemed that every time Jay came to the centre, the caretaker bashed her. Haha.

That continued until one night Jay came back drunk and angry. He screamed he would kill her for making him HIV positive. She ran and locked herself in her room while Jay smashed the door down  with an axe.

That week, Joe's small brother had arrived with his 12 year old daughter. Within a day the PLWHA black trash were screaming I had molested the little girl. They did not need proof as long as they all made the same claim. They were desperate for me to leave so that AusAID would recommence the funding once Positive Living had been trashed.

When Joe Lari was advised of the smashed door, he closed the centre and had the tenants evicted. Then he sold the building before they burned the centre down as threatened.

Had these people supported Positive Living, they could have worked with Joe and me in the Family Positive Living Centre

But they were anti-family and anti-faith which explains why they condemned families in the media. They were on the side of the anti-family paedophile AusAID workers and the gay/lesbian parent organization in Brisbane that supported I Gat Hop.

There was a Positive Living message that they ignored. A key message was that smoking and boozing weakened the immune system and promoted onset of final AIDS and death

Momo ignored this and died. He was too smart-arse to follow advice. I advised him once and he threatened to bash me if I spoke on the matter again.

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