Wednesday 14 October 2020


This is the last report to discourage do-gooder people from giving free accommodation and food to HIV+ people rejected by their family. Check first. The PLWHA destroyed 3 Angels Care as a care centre through violence, prostitution and booze. 

At 3 Angels Care , all women brought violent men to live with them and who bashed the women every week. I could do nothing as caretaker.

Elaripe the HIV+ ex-nurse had kicked her HIV+husband out to die and lived with his cousin the drunken and violent HIV negative Jay. He bashed her every week. Her husband could be still alive with Elaripe's care.

One night there was loud thumping coming from her room. I opened the door to find Elaripe kneeling on the ground holding the back of her head and being kicked by drunken Jay. I stepped in and pushed him away while Elaripe ran outside and disappeared.

I told him I would be having him arrested. The next day I was standing outside with my two daughters when he came up behind me and hit me with an iron bar. Then he kicked me in the back and chest. As caretaker, I was reluctant to resort to violence.

I complained to the police at Boroko but they never came. Finally they sent a message for Jay to come to the station. He did not go but Elaripe went instead.

She told the police a pitiful story that she was HIV positive. She and all the women at 3 Angels Care were afraid of the violence of the caretaker and had men live with them for protection. The caretaker (sob) bashed her every week. 

Two days ago she was being (sob) bashed by the caretaker when her friend Jay attacked him. Now the caretaker has laid a complaint with the police.

She left smiling after her academy award performance and the police wanted to arrest me for violence to HIV + women. I was losing the plot on this one.

A week later, Elaripe was in the living room when drunken  Jay arrived. He looked angry and shouted that she had made him HIV+. What did the fool expect? Several HIV negative street men were probably infected by these women.

Elaripe ran to her room and locked the door from her lovely kind protector. He came back some time later with an axe and bashed the door down.

When Joe Lari the owner found out the next day, he closed the centre down and evicted all the tenants. He should have done that 6 months ago. 

These people were making fools of him. Street men were trespassers. Three Angels Care was not a boozer, brothel or haus pamuk. Joe was too weak to do anything about it. Outsiders just walked all over Joe and his caretaker. I needed Joe as back-up.

Elaripe joined I Gat Hope and spent time telling the media about the stigma and discrimination of her family. They were unhappy that she had kicked her HIV + husband out to die and lived with his HIV negative cousin whom she may well have infected.

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