Wednesday 20 November 2019


We read in the media of men who sexually molest young girls in their family. They try to insert their penis in their vagina but are unable to do so as the vagina is too small. So they penetrate with their fingers.

Surely this is enough indication to a dog-brained man that the child is physically and psychologically unready for sex. Certainly not by a family member.

This is not a condemnation of FAMILY as the man is usually reported to the police by members of the family. Perhaps an unemployed drunken free-loader has just been removed from the family for 15-20 years.

This man has spoiled his place in the family. The young girl will certainly not bring him food in the prison. He will not be cared for by family on his release in many years to come. Stupid man.

He has destroyed the sexuality of his daughter. Even when married in years to come, she will react with hostility if her husband touches her vagina - compliments of her dog-brained father.

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