Friday 8 November 2019


We talk about Positive Living at a point in the world when climate change may bring the planet to a close. A cleric in the media wrote of end times

But we do not have to believe in God to know that end times are on the way.

The world is becoming overpopulated. There are more people alive on the planet than ever lived from prehistoric times. Add another billion or two by the end of the century.

We are over-exploiting the environment. Trees are being cut down to make way for people. Homes sited in beautiful rural scenery are being destroyed by wild fires across the world.

Fish in the sea are being over-exploited. Wild animals are losing their habitats as they compete with humans for living space.

Climate change is warming the planet as the result of human addiction to burning coal. There are countries that will refuse to abandon coal burning. 

The Adani mine in Queensland is a case of ignoring the obvious. In Australia, Sky News called the climate change a fraud. Shame. 

Is that why Sky News is no longer on the Digicel playbox network in Papua New Guinea?

It may be that the climate debate will be led by school children as students led the protest against the Vietnam War. We will look back in shame.

There are wars of people seeking living space. Genocide is a response to over-population. The world is making changes with electric cars and solar power. But it may not be enough soon enough.

We are reminded of the allegory of Superman living as a baby on the planet Krypton. 

While the people argued about the planet heating, the parents of Superman put him in a space ship that ended up on earth. 

Then Krypton exploded. And Superman became the mild mannered reporter on the Daily Planet newspaper.

We have to rethink our attitude to preserving the seas, protecting forests, conserving flood waters and promoting eco-agriculture. 

Let us not even think of the danger of nuclear wars and of industry being taken over by robots. Will robots be buying all the consumer goods and sending their little robots to school? 

Will the workers in the world be unemployed? Put them in the army to sacrifice their lives as grandfathers did in World Wars 1 and 2. We may face laser warfare that destroys satellites, space stations, ships, aircraft and cities at the speed of light. It is coming.

Now we have TV programs that feature hybrid humans and robots. The world is losing the plot.

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