Thursday 17 November 2011


Australian advisors are experts at doing the wrong thing in Papua New Guinea and blaming the blackfellas.

The fault lies in the sad fact that these people did not follow the wonderful, creative advice of Australian advisors who often come into the country with Doctorates and no practical experience whatever. But they were white which made up for any lack of study.

We saw this in the national HIV/AIDS response. Several years ago, after pushing condoms and women's rights, the AusAID lesbians decided to push the blame on to the blackfellas.

They set up "operation last chance" in about 2005. But AIDS Holistics started writing on the gay and lesbian agenda and all talk of last chance died.

The implication was that the PNG workers at all levels had their last chance to follow the wonderful lesbian agenda.

But many PNG people in churches and care groups have stuck steadfastly to the family approach and ignored the AusAID and UN lesbian wisdom.

We read in the media a full two page advertisement on activities for November- December 2011. They plan to go out with a bang for 2011. But it is all about rights of women and girls. There is no attempt to set out the real situation in the country.

There is mention of violence of men. But no mention of violence of women against children, lesbians against lovers and women against men.

False reports by Cox of UN Women receives mention that sorcery killings of women is gender based. This is false. Just as many men are killed.

AusAID and UN lesbians never give up. They are thinking of the burning of witches in the middle ages.

30 Oct 2011 – Sorcery killing is not a gender issue. The Australian gays ... Posted by HIV/ AIDS
: FAMILY POSITIVE LIVING at 22:04 · Email ThisBlogThis! ...

The AusAID advisors struck earlier than that with the implementation of Outcome Based Education (OBE). The problem was that they introduced what they knew and ignored what they did not know. Most would have had no classroom experience with limited experience in teaching subjects. So they just left it out.

Papua New Guinea teachers have struggled over a decade with the misunderstanding that OBE is all about research from books. What books? Well, take a photocopy for each student. What photocopier? What paper? No ink.

They had no idea of Mastery Learning and no idea of preparing sequences of subject tasks. Leave it out. We collect our million kina salary package and be gone before it all hits the fan.

Then we can blame the stupid blackfellas. Great neighbours, Mr Rudd. Or come back on another major salary package to clean up the mess that we created.


10 Oct 2011 – bloom's taxonomy of learning domains - bloom's learning model, for . ...

In Mastery Learning, there needs to be extended sequences of short stories and
reports for ... Posted by HIV/AIDS: FAMILY POSITIVE LIVING at 19:59 ...

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