Saturday 5 December 2020


132,000 PNG hits as of this morning

Times are changing from the bad old days of the last decade. The AusAID scumbags have gone back home and with them the hateful messages against FAMILY and FAITH.

With them arose a criminal set of PLWHA who had hy-jacked 3 Angels Care to block forever the plan to set up a Family Positive Living Training Centre.

People of this country were to have no say in a social organization based on families. Australian paedophiles had the plan all sewn up. Churches were to be silenced. Families were to lose custody and loyalty of their children.

The AusAID advisors were afraid that the Positive Living Training Centre would take over the agenda completely and leave nothing more to be said. We had to be silenced.

People had to be intimidated from support. The PLWHA at 3 Angels Care were to use violence to frighten families and care group representatives. The back yard was covered with empty SP bottles. These PLWHA were led by Australian professional scumbags.

Families were to be told that Positive Living was a fake message, full of errors and killed people. The diet of fruit and vegetables killed people. 

Family and faith were no longer relevant in modern society. Was this official Australian government policy? Or just poofter politics?

The most damaging impact was to the outlook of the PLWHA at 3 Angels Care. They saw themselves as people with rights but no responsibilities. The world owed them a living. They could do whatever they liked.

Their job was to condemn the FAMILY for rejecting family members infected with HIV. This was mainly fake news. They were making excuses for their own rejection.

There were those PLWHA at 3 Angels Care who had rejected family or been rejected because of lack of respect, boozing, violence and lack of support for the family. They had no plan to be employed and give support to their family. 

They preferred to stay at 3 Angels Care and spend any pay on beer. To get rid of the caretaker, they accused him at every move of sexually abusing children. Two of them worked for UNDP and spent all money on cartons of beer.

But now 3 Angels Care is closed and the PLWHA have probably been forced to go back to make amends with their families. The centre was shut down by the owner when one of the violent drunken street men smashed a door down with an axe.

There must be no care centres as permanent accommodation for PLWHA. If they can not live with their family with respect and care, they should live under a tree.

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