Sunday 13 December 2020


Papua New Guinea is a nation made up of thousands of families cared for by a mother, father, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and other extended families.

But over the last decade or more, the children in families have been in grave danger at the hands of UN and AUSAID paedophiles.

Foreigners did not want to share the children but take children by a simple process of alienating them from families. 

Children were to tell lies to parents, disobey rules, refuse to help with work, go out to associate with any person, stay out the night, seek condoms and girls to have abortions without parental knowledge. Children had rights.

The foreign paedophiles knew that PNG was not open to same sex rights. So the only option was to take kids and eradicate families. Just a few hundred at a time.

That explains why AIDS Holistics suffered such gross punishment with our focus on FAMILY and FAITH. The foreigners did not want any family message to go out. That is why we were banned and the community told that the founder was a child molester.

The Family Positive Living Training Centre at East Boroko was trashed by foreign paedophiles with others doing the dirty work. FAMILY and FAITH were not relevant according to UN AIDS.

There was a plan to have the founder killed on a fake charge of child molesting. Family was not to be allowed to survive HIV/AIDS. The community was to be broken up.

There was no plan to have family and LGBTP children living in the same community and going to the same school. They were not to live as brothers and sisters.

Parents were to be denied the care of their gay and lesbian children. All parents were guilty of stigma and discrimination so the community was told.

The foreign paedophiles in Papua New Guinea have put gay and lesbian rights back a hundred years by sheer vicious stupidity.

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