Sunday 27 December 2020


We church leaders in one accordance declared the end to corruption and human rights abuse and every citizen to have equal rights to: 

An equal standard of living - This right is denied when bribes are paid, influence is traded and offices are misused in ways that reduce access to medical acre, education, water, food and housing.

To participate in one's own Government - This right is compromised when money is exchanged in return for votes or elections are predetermined by patronage.

Right to education - this right is violated when funds for schools, teachers and supplies are embezzled or if access of schools depends on a bribe.

Right to work - This is affected by recruitment or promotion processes at are biased towards nepotism, cronyism, sexual favors and bribes.

Right to health - This right is violated when there is tampering or diversion of medicine, requests for bribes in return for health services, procurement of fraud in drugs or medical equipment or embezzlement of health services.

Right to land - The right is denied when policies relating to property registration, ownership and restitution are applied in a discriminatory way due to patronage ofr bribery.

Right to enjoy life - This is a gift from God. No one has the right to deny this right. No one can be abused physically, sexually, tortured or killed through violence or sorcery. Respect the sanctity of life as God has ordained.

Rev. Roger Joseph General Secretary PNGCC

Bishop Danny Guka Chairman PNGCC

Sir John Cardinal Ribat Vice Chairman PNGCC

2010-2011 - UN AIDS Head declared that the work of churches was irrelevant. FAITH and FAMILY were to be removed from the Positive Living message. 

Watson had my work permit and visa cancelled when I refused. When that failed, the word was spread that I was a child molester. Haha.

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