Thursday 17 December 2020


133,000 PNG hits as of this morning.

We have had narrow minds in the last decade in talking of families looking after HIV infected people. We think that those with responsibilities are parents looking after HIV infected children.

That is only a small part of the picture. There are many HIV infected people looking after their family. They raise children, look after them, send them to school, give them values and care for their grand children.

There are HIV husbands looking after wives and children. There are HIV wives doing the same. Since infection, many have gone on with their studies and graduated to work in employment. 

Some have set up their own businesses. How silly we are to be talking about family members not loving and caring for HIV people in the family.

We have entered a new phase of HIV. So far unsuitable people have set the message about stigma and discrimination in families. They were HIV infected trouble makers giving stress to parents and siblings.

We talk about discrimination in the work place. What if the General Manager is HIV positive and a kind and caring person?

I know a person who is HIV positive, an AIDS advocate, carer and HIV positive. This person looks after people with the virus and will work until old age.

He is happy and generous in attitudes and gives people strength. No negative advice of shame and blame towards family. 

I have been HIV positive for 3 years. I feel annoyance at my foolishness more than shame. I am supposed to be looked after by my daughters. 

But I am their baby sitter, savings bank and child support person. I wish they would treat me as being sick. But I am not sick. They love me when I am not doing jobs for them. No stigma and discrimination in this family.

The scumbag AusAID activists had put out that I was full blown AIDS and infected women who were lured to AIDS Holistics. Why would HIV negative women go to an AIDS centre?

Professor Michael Toole was scumbag-in-chief, trying desperately to take control of the Positive Living message.

There is a report in The National today of one Stanley Eremas who is HIV positive, married, runs a cocoa farm and helps people. 

His advice is for HIV positive people to come out. People will see us to be normal and able to achieve anything through God.

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