Sunday 27 December 2020


Plasmodium falciparum - CDC

In Pfalciparum infections, red blood cells (rbcs) are normal in size. Typically only rings and gametocytes are seen unless the blood sat before the smears .
Infection with Plasmodium falciparum is a hideous infliction. In 25 years in Papua New Guinea, I have suffered twice from falciparum.
The first time found me unconscious in my flat in Port Moresby. I was unconscious for two days and have no idea of who was looking after my small daughters. I had been falling over in the street for no reason.
I was taken to the hospital. My report advised that I had urinated myself and had no idea of where I was or what my name was. I stayed in hospital for almost 2 weeks. Neighbours looked after my daughters while I was in hospital.
There was a man in the next bed who had been found in the highlands with cerebral malaria. His eyes rolled up into his head. He could not speak with fingers clenched like a person suffering cerebral palsy. He soon died.
The common parasite is Plasmodium vivax. People take the anti-malarial medication to protect from vivax.

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