Friday 11 December 2020



Nihilism | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical. Origins · ‎Friedrich Nietzsche and · ‎Existential Nihilism.

There are people who believe in nothing. There is no God, no laws of God, no after-life, no judgment and no family. The Bible is man made. Marriage is the way of men to capture and hold women. 

There is nothing. Our children are being taught this outlook by some teachers. It is intended to remove FAMILY and FAITH from society. 

Children can live as they like and do what they like. The absence of meaning will break down society to be worse than it is now.

Let the Nihilists go to the Middle East to tell the Moslems there is no Allah and no Mohammed. We will find their graves out in the desert marked by a stone.

We have English words from the same Latin root - Nil means nothing. Annihilate means to reduce to nothing.

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