Sunday 27 December 2020


Mastery Learning suited teaching of English as a second language. At every PNG school, I had taken all grades from Grades 8-12 in mastering the basics of written English.

I had developed a work book of integrating sentences with 240 exercises to be mastered and revised over a six month period. Capable students mastered the basics in a month or two. 
This is a massive change from the approach of many PNG teachers. They explain once in English. Teachers copy the summary down on the black board. Then they move on with many students none the wiser.
One foolish teacher criticized Mastery Learning to me. He said that he only ever explains once. If students do not understand, it is because they were not listening. That is an insult to him. They deserve to fail. Stupid man.
I drill the same basics 50 times and even then many students do not remember. But more of my students pass the final exam with high marks.
I have a workbook that contains 240 groups of sentences to be combined, one at a time as below. It can begin with primary school children and end with grade 12 students. 
Repeated words are removed and sentences combined with appropriate connector words. Students are being groomed into polished writing. 
High school students use listing in assignments. All students in all grades start at the start of these mastery patterns. They master every pattern from grade to grade.

1. I saw Peter. I saw Paul. I saw MaryI saw Peter, Paul and Mary
(comma, and)

2.  I opened the door. went inside. I put a letter on the table.I opened the door, went inside and put a letter on the table.Opening the door, I went inside and put a letter on the table.
(comma, and)
3.  She opened her eyes. She smiled. She went back to sleep.She opened her eyes, smiled and went back to sleep.Opening her eyes, she smiled and went to sleep.
(comma, and)

4.  He had walked a long way. He was tired. He sat. He waited for a bus.Having walked a long way, he was tired and sat, waiting for a bus.He had walked a long way, was tired and sat, waiting for a bus.

5.  He was an old man. He sat by the river. He waited for the fish to comeHe was an old man who sat by the river, waiting for the fish to come.

6. The soldiers  were recruited. They were trained. They were sent into battle.The soldiers were recruited, trained and sent into battle.
(comma, and)

7. He was arrested. He was taken to Court. He was sent to prison.He was arrested, taken to Court and sent to prison.
(comma, and)

8. PNG suffers from poverty. It suffers from violence. PNG suffers from poverty and violence.

9. She looked out the window. She called the boys.They were sitting under a tree.They were watching the girls.They were playing volley ball.
She looked out the window and called the boyssitting under a tree and watching the girls playing volley ball.

10. Families need:
a. love, b. caring, c. shelter, d. rights, e. responsibilities,f. food,
g. values,h. education, andi. employment
(comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, comma and)

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