Friday 1 February 2013


Mr President, supporter of gay and lesbian studies in Massachusetts schools with ex-Governor Mitt Romney , you have set something in motion that will take the US a long time to overcome.

You have thrown children to the wolves in allowing gay and lesbian studies to become part of schools. Was this for the benefit of the children?

You have begun the destruction of families with parents no longer in authority. Do your daughters go to a gay and lesbian curriculum school, Mr President? We bet they do not.

We have to recognise the difference between negative indoctrination and education. The education process is for the benefit of the child. Indoctrination is for the benefit of the state or some cult.

Many cults are anti-family in seeking to isolate children from their parents. So too the gay, lesbian and paedophile cult centred on the United Nations.

We see the results of negative indoctrination in Germany with the school curriculum that preached hatred of the Jews.

The BBC series shows an old man a former guard at Auschwitz who shot prisoners and says he would do it again. He was not taught to think in school. He had hatred branded on his brain forever. Indoctrination trains people to react not to think.

Now the children of the US may face Constitution-approved homosexuals who will treat the family and fathers in the same way.

Education enables us to see both sides, analyze factors, evaluate ideas and apply ideas to other plans. But indoctrination requires us just to accept and act on the ideas and dictates of teachers.

There is no debate to be entered into when the gay, lesbian and paedophile teachers are in charge.

All men are violent.
All women are abused.
Children are free from parents.
Families are dictatorships.
Gay and lesbian sex is beautiful.
There is no God or Allah.
All morality is man-made.

We read once that President Obama will not allow his daughters to have access to Facebook. That is dictatorship. He is depriving his daughters of their rights.

They are being abused. Should they be taken into care? Will someone talk to the local lesbian welfare officer? (joke). Please click:

Russians are leading the world as they did with the launching of Sputnik in 1957. Americans never learned much about Education from that time. That is why Outcome Based Education failed. Please click:


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