Wednesday 27 June 2018


The National 28 June 2018

How does UN distinguish between underage LGBT sex workers and little girls and boys who have been sexually abused? Are they all just counted together?

There is a report in The National on sex workers in Papua New Guinea taken from Kaunim Mi Tu Site Summary Report prepared by the United Nations.

Before we go into detail, let us examine Kaunim Mi Tu which appeared in the media some 4 months ago focused on gathering LGBT children together and introduced by the Head of UNAIDS David Bridger who replaced the paedophile Head Stewart Watson.

This report follows on repeated calls in the media for legalization of gay and lesbian sex. The pressure will increase now that Australia has accepted same sex marriage.

But PNG is in a different world with traditional values on sexuality and will never accept same sex marriage. Gay and lesbian couples will be bashed and killed in the streets and villages.

The present report hides a wide range of social ills which include (1) same sex marriage (2) legalization of sex work (3) legalization of gay, lesbian and paedophile sex (4) lowering the age of consent for underage sex particularly among child sex workers and (5) underage children to have medical treatment and be given free condoms and abortions without parental knowledge, particularly child sex workers and (6) legalization of abortion.

Now Kaunim Mi Tu tells of the infections of sex workers who hide from health workers that they sold or exchanged sex. Do they have no faith in doctors, nursing sisters and care workers? Perhaps they are underage boys and girls.

Will that all change with same sex legislation? Probably not. We have long been told they are afraid of arrest by police and prison. Is that what the paedophiles tell the small boy and girl sex workers?

That is a standard trick among all paedophiles. Uncles, grandfathers and step fathers tell young girls that if the police find out, they the child will go to prison. It silences the victim until the dawn of light in later teenage years. Then the offender goes to prison many years later. His 18 year old victim is no longer a frightened 6 years old.

We are now advised by Kaunim Mi Tu that there are 16,000 sex workers in Port Moresby with 2600 in Mt Hagen. How did they obtain these figures if sex workers never attend health care? How many are young underage girls afraid to come to care centres?

In a previous report we were told that there are 9000 LGBT young boys and girls in Port Moresby. Many have been lured down from the villages in search of paedophile sex. How did the United Nations get these figures?

There are constantly figures that appear in the media courtesy of the United Nations. There are 90% of women and girls who report being abused in some way on public transport. Did the UN survey door to door? Or did the lesbians arrive at that figure over coffee?

There are 50% of children afraid to go out at night. 40% of Buka men rape their wives. That last one caused a furore on Buka several years ago with President John Momis condemning a survey that never happened on Buka.

Now we are told there are 52.1 to 60.8% of female sex workers diagnosed with one or more sexually transmitted infections.

If tested in such detail why can they not be treated and counseled in the same detail by UNAIDS and UN Women?

But no. The agenda is always on pressuring the Government for legalization of gay and lesbian sex to be enjoyed by all the paedophiles too.

The age of consent is to be lowered to allow paedophile sex with small boys and girls. The foreign sex agenda never leaves it at that but uses every victory as a stepping stone to the next demand.

How many of the 16,000 sex workers in Port Moresby are young underage girls? Kaunim Mi Tu wants “peer driven social network”. Kaunim mi tu also means fuck me too.

So they want the underage girls to stay in the sex work social network and away from parents. They will be taken to the doctor for abortions and HIV testing. They will be given supplies of condoms by sex workers and lesbian lovers.

If there are so many little girls in sex working, is that why 14.9% of sex workers in Port Moresby are HIV positive with the count “far below the UNAIDS goal of 90%”.

Little girls do not understand the dangers of HIV/AIDS. How many young girls and boys have been HIV infected by foreign and national paedophiles? There is more to UN reports than meets the eye.

Footnote: AIDS Holistics surveys reveal that 87.3% of lesbian women are paedophile as are 92% of gay men. Are we serious ….. or not?

Tuesday 26 June 2018


Stigma and Discrimination is an anti-family message by foreign paedophiles of the UN and AusAID to damage the image of families faced with a loved one with HIV infection. 

The paedophiles are making a false report on matters they cannot possibly know about. They do not go among the people except to nightclubs looking for young boys and girls to take home as lovers.

We read reports of less than 49% of HIV sufferers on antiretroviral drugs. That means that they live in loving supportive families who want them to live on and be happy. 

There would be more than this but the people concerned have no access to antiretrovitral (ARV) medication in the rural highlands.

Of course there will be some stigma and discrimination but in most cases loving families have a wide range of responses to the reality of an HIV positive loved one.

There will be sadness, stress, depression, disappointment, compassion, frustration, fear, love, hurt and support. There may be anger at a young daughter’s betrayal in secret sexual contact with men.

There will be disappointment in the knowledge that their lovely HIV positive daughter will stay at home and never marry.

She has a child who may or may not be HIV positive. This will be a cause of stress. A son will have problems in finding an HIV negative wife.

The parents may fear they will have no one to look after them in old age if their daughter or son is their only child and HIV positive. They fear for the future of their HIV positive child when they the parents die.

The family will look after the daughter for the rest of her life. They may support her to study to start her new life. She may stay to look after the house.

There will be no marriage in the future and no bride price. It was hoped the bride price would send their children to university. That will all change now.

There may be anger against her husband who they know is HIV positive and made their daughter infected too. This is not a matter of stigma but of anger at adultery.

A family may blame their son’s wife for his HIV positive infection. She has been secretly having sex outside her marriage. 

It may be that she is innocent and infected by her husband who has pushed the blame on to her.

But the fact is that the 49% of HIV sufferers are being cared for by family who make sure they go to the care group for resupply of medication and live a positive life with nutrition, clean water, exercise and peace.

The daughter stays at home and looks after the house. She is now on regular ARV and lives a normal life. She studies, does the shopping in town and looks after her child and parents.

She has been on ARV for two years now and the family has almost forgotten her positive status. She is still the loving daughter and sister they have always known.

Foreign paedophiles want to destroy the image of families under a blanket message of stigma and discrimination.

Recently the thug leader of I Gat Hop Elaripe announced to the media that most people suffer stigma, discrimination and violence at the hands of family. Liar. How would she know that?

She had been rejected by her own family for abandoning her HIV positive husband Max who died under a tree with AIDS. She was HIV positive and took his cousin into 3 Angels Care for nightly sex and he was HIV negative. 

The foreign paedophiles in UN and AusAID conspired with the 3 Angels Care thugs to steal the care centre to block the Family Positive Living training centre. They wanted no support for families. They wanted to control the children and groom them to be LGBT.

The conspiracy was at the hands of UN paedophiles Watson and Cox supported by AusAID thug Sharon Walker.

We may recall the fake report by the 3 Angels Care knife wielding thug Marabe who told the media that she saw families burying their HIV positive loved ones alive in the highlands. The report went viral.

She lost her memory when police interviewed her. She could not recall the village. Three Angels Care thugs are experts in memory loss when called to account for their words.

Ask I Gat Hop thug Elaripe to nominate a family that abuses their loved one with stigma and discrimination. She will have immediate memory loss.

Paedophile gays and lesbians are sexually and emotionally barren. They have no idea of the stresses and worries of loving parents. Loving children has nothing to do with genitals.

Monday 25 June 2018


The worst troublemakers are PLWHA with high levels of alcohol and violence with low levels of education and long term rejection of their own families. Several joined I Gat Hop some 10 years ago.

I am HIV positive and infected by a lady some 5 years ago when she betrayed me by sex outside our relationship. I needed her to look after my daughters with me.

I feel stupid in letting it happen after 15 years of promoting AIDS awareness. Perhaps it was God’s will. I have told many of my family and friends but they seem to have forgotten. We all just get on with our lives.

There has never been a hint of the stigma, discrimination and violence that the scumbag activist thugs have spoken about.

I get on with my Positive Living website, helping the Department of Education with phonics and the Personal Development curriculum, talking cross to my daughters and caring for my grand-children.

I have suffered stigma, discrimination and violence only from the scumbag paedophiles of the UN and AusAID together with the PLWHA thugs who tried to steal the 3 Angels Care Centre to make it their own private residence. They would do it again in the next church care centre.

My view on life has never changed. I still see FAMILY as the key to Positive Living. I am proud that our message has reached care groups and churches of Papua New Guinea and the world, particularly in the USA and Russia.

I believe in God and regret my broken marriage in Australia. Adultery is a sin. I have no desire to join I Gat Hop to steal a church care centre to set up their permanent residence again.Three Angels Care was a centre under the blessing of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Scripture tells us of forgiveness. But I would not piss on the UN and AusAID paedophile scumbags if they were on fire.

They seek to destroy family and parental authority, break down family solidarity and groom children to be LGBT whether they are or not.

Sunday 24 June 2018


Foreign activists renewed attack intended to pressure and shame Government into legislating same sex marriage and lowering the age of consent.

It is being powered by the UNAIDS Kaunim me tu (Count me too) program first introduced months ago in the media by Head UNAIDS David Bridger before complete silence.

Bridger knows the value of silence far more than predecessor paedophile Watson who advised the Ministers’ Fraternal and community that churches have to accept adultery and the non-relevance of family and faith.

All the increasing infection with HIV is the fault of the Government and family. The sufferers are just innocent victims at the mercy of legislation. What rubbish.

The fake message is that people are not going for testing and treatment because of stigma and discrimination in care groups.

Care groups are quiet, professional places where people sit in a waiting room before being called in to see the doctor or sister.

What on earth does a Government legislation have to do with that? How will that change with a legislation? Care centres care and some are gay and lesbian run.

The fake implication is that people will be arrested for sex work and homosexuality. It never happens.

Testing is done. No questions are asked about sexuality or sex work. There may be questions about commitment to medication. Do you miss out any days?

Medication may be given for one month, lifting to 3 months before the end of the year as the patient follows the medication without default.

It is not stigma and discrimination that does the harm. It is the mindless obsessions of drug users, sex workers, homosexuals who are careless in drug taking and using a condom and paedophiles grooming children to be LGBT.

Many reject their families in favour of boozing, marijuana, homebrew, promiscuous sex and family violence. LGBT young people are enticed to Port Moresby away from families in villages and groomed towards gay and paedophile sex.

The Kaunim mi tu campaign is LGBT focused but pretending to include all members of the community.

The Government is being blackmailed into same sex legislation on the pretense that this will make all the difference. Overseas funding will one day be cut right down.

Papua New Guinea has entered the modern world at the hands of Christian missionaries who committed many citizens to Scripture.

Now the nation is being told that the message of Scripture is all right wing and homophobic.


The National 28 June 2018 P.11

The thug care group I Gat Hop is under pressure from reports on their criminal conduct at 3 Angels Care centre at the hands of thug trouble-makers Momo, Elaripe and Marabe.

They moved into the care centre with plans to intimidate the owner Joe Lari into abandoning the planned Positive Living Training Centre and have him hand over the keys to the centre to become their private accommodation. 

But he was to keep bringing them free daily food compliments of the AusAID criminal activists and the Australian taxpayers.

The owner spoiled their plans by putting his AIDS Holistics colleague in as caretaker with instructions to stop the boozing, violence, prostitution and street husbands brought in by the HIV positive women.

So Momo, Elaripe and Marabe became the first PNG PLWHA criminals in history who set about having the caretaker bashed by street husbands for child molesting of children including his own daughters.

They planned to have him killed when he refused to go, on set-up charges of molesting the 10 year old of the thug prostitute Marabe who brought men in to her room at night for booze and sex. This was no Positive Living care centre but a booze brothel out of control.

But the kangaroo court was stopped with the arrival of the provincial care officer Rachael Pokesy who demanded to know what was going on. All the thug criminals lost their memories in an instant.

Elaripe was the worst criminal who was diagnosed HIV positive with husband Max whom she abandoned at 3 Angels Care and brought in street husband baby-sense violent drunk Jay who was her husband's cousin and bashed Elaripe every week.

One night there was a bashing going on in her room. As caretaker, I opened the door and there was drunk Jay punching and kicking Elaripe. I told him to stop and he bashed the caretaker instead.

Next day Elaripe attacked the caretaker for reporting Jay to the police. I protected myself and she screamed to Jay who came out running and hit the caretaker on the head from behind in full view of two horrified daughters.

Complaint was made to the East Boroko police but Jay refused to appear. Instead Elaripe came down and spoke on his behalf. She said that Jay was (sob) her best friend who protected her (sob) from the violent caretaker who attacked all people at the centre.

Charges were dropped against Jay and plans made to charge the caretaker. Elaripe was then and now the thug liar. Jay was laughing and stayed at 3 Angels Care to be drunk and violent.

Two weeks later, the centre was closed when Jay came in drunk and wanted to bash Elaripe. He said she had made him HIV positive. She locked the door and he bashed the door of this luxury care centre with an axe.

The centre was closed and Joe Lari evicted us all. Momo, Elaripe and Marabe threatened to burn the centre down. 

Elaripe was a family misfit rejected by family for abandoning Max and putting his HIV negative cousin Jay in danger with nightly sex at the care centre.

Elaripe was part of the anti-faith and anti-family agenda of the PLWHA thugs who carried the message to I Gat Hop.

Now we read in The National that Elaripe has responded to condemnation on this blog. She calls herself the NCD I Gat Hop program and PLWHA representative.

She is calling for some sucker church to set up another live-in care centre to be stolen and occupied by I Gat Hop. Of course she would take control as the only experienced thug.

She said in the media above that "Most time PLWH had been subjected to criticism, violence, discrimination and abuses from family and people in the community." The old hate message is still there contaminating I Gat Hop.


She says that stigmatized people see churches as the only place where they can find refuge. Liar. At 3 Angels Care, the PLWHA thugs including Elaripe and knife wielding Marabe would evict all new coming people sent by Joe Lari and the Provincial AIDS Council.

One young man said that on the first night he went to give himself a plate of food. Marabe put a knife to his stomach and said she would cut his guts out if he touched their food. He left the center next morning hungry.

They planned to have the caretaker murdered when he refused to be intimidated and leave. They would go to the police investigation crying that he was a violent child abuser. They would be supported by the AusAID paedophiles.

Elaripe would give evidence of going to the police to protect her best friend the violent drunk Jay. He smashed her door down with an axe some two weeks later and had the centre closed.

No church is to be so foolish as to put their AIDS care into the hands of PLWHA thugs.

Thursday 21 June 2018


For over a decade now I have been angry at the violence, corruption and anti-family messages of I Gat Hop. 

This was an organization set up after the PLWHA resident thugs were kicked out of 3 Angels Care when one of the so-called husbands bashed a door down with an axe.

The thugs were Momo, Elaripe and Marabe. With eviction from 3 Angels Care and sacking from UNDP, they were without money. So I Gat Hop was formed to enable the thugs to obtain funding from international donors then to be stolen.

I have never forgotten the violence to me as caretaker of 3 Angels Care and attempted murder as a child molester at the hands of the three thugs. My children were abused.

They thought the owner Joe Lari was weak and able to have his care centre stolen from him while he prayed to Jesus. They did not count on my arrival as caretaker who was not able to be intimidated despite gross violence.

Now we read the words of the president Janet Sangaropa on the work of I gat Hop. My immediate response was negative. But I read yesterday that she is HIV positive. But then so were the thugs.

She talks to the media of the plans to raise the level of clinical care for people suffering and dying from AIDS. Perhaps she should be given space to achieve this. I ask her to make clear the I Gat Hop support for families and parents. Then we can let peace prevail.

We ask I Gat Hop president Sangopa to focus media statements on the importance of family. There should be emphasis on the onset of dementia with AIDS people not on antiretroviral (ARV) medication. 

They come to suffer brain damage, hallucinations, delusions, memory loss, weight loss and death. Spread the word,  I Gat Hop. They are PLWHA.

We ask for Kapul Champions to clarify their plans for LGBT young men, women and children. Are these young people to be alienated from family?

Wednesday 20 June 2018


Primitive PNG blackfellas mix ethylene glycol into their home brew. It is also known as car antifreeze. They wonder why they die or go blind. Can you imagine drinking car antifreeze?

Home brew is a toxic mixture prepared in the villages and towns of Papua New Guinea. A report a couple of years ago identified Papuan Compound in Lae as a key site.

Homebrew can be deadly if mixed with ethylene glycol that has the same basic composition as paint thinner and is a toxic chemical rather than a fruit juice. The mixture can cause blindness and death. Please click:

Fatal home-brew may have contained antifreeze - Brisbane Times › National › Queensland
Jun 11, 2013 - Antifreeze typically contains the highly toxic, but sweet-tasting 
chemical ethylene glycol, can cause acute kidney failure within 72 hours of ...

About 2 years ago, a group of grade 12 students in a highlands high school were drinking homebrew to celebrate the end of the exams.

The brew had been mixed with ethylene glycol and caused several to be blind and one student to die.

The mixture had been prepared by the science teacher who denied that he had added ethylene glycol. A student must have done it to give the mixture an extra kick.


Letter to the editor 18 June 2018 - Glen Burua DWU Madang

It brings tears to my eyes to see children on the streets and in villages without education. Many of these kids are really brilliant but have no chance to be educated because parents cannot afford it.
Let me get this straight to all parents in Papua New Guinea that every child is a gift from God. It is not right that parents should have many kids and then not give them an education.             
Before you think of having another kid, please think about how you will support that kid all the way through to high school and university.

If you cannot afford to look after your child in his or her journey of education, then do not bother to have one.    
By not putting your child to school, you are depriving them of education and the nation of a future.

Young people who are newly married should not take lightly their prospect of having a child.

Family planning is very important. If we have more uneducated children than educated children, the nation is heading for disaster.

So many children do not go to school because their parents cannot afford to send them. Parents should not enjoy the pleasure of having children then forget about their future.

Monday 18 June 2018


That is why foreign paedophiles, businessmen sugar-daddies and family abusers hate strong families. That is the reason for anti-family messages of UN and AusAID paedophiles.

In the media we read of young girls being sexually abused by fathers, grand-fathers, step-fathers and uncles. The offender may have been staying with the victim’s family or the victim staying with the offender’s family.

But we find that this person may well be reported to the police and taken to Court by the family of the victim regardless of the close family relationship with the offender.

Foreign paedophiles blame families but it was the family who reported the offender by making statements to the police and Court.

Strength lies with such families who need official support not condemnation by paedophiles who have other agenda to defame families.

In a recent media report, a father complained against his elder brother for sexually abusing his daughter while a guest at her family’s home. The brother is awaiting sentencing by the Court.

Sunday 17 June 2018


There was a letter to the editor  last week in the Post Courier of the rise in sexual abuse on Bougainville of young girls at the hands of men old enough said the writer to be the great grand-fathers of the small girls.

Old men are on the lookout for young girls for sex and prepared to pay the girls money to come with them or pay their parents.

I have heard of this trend for many years on Bougainville. The lesbian paedophiles of UN and AusAID remain silent on the issue. It is far too close to their own paedophile agenda.

The writer calls on the parents of young children to protect their daughters. It is difficult if the old men are the businessmen able to turn a family into poverty if there is any negative response from parents.

It seems as though young girls and boys of this country are under attack from foreign paedophiles with aging paedophile sugar-daddies on Bougainville.

It all brings back my memory of being a teacher of Grade 9 and 10 Personal Development at Juha College in Port Moresby some 10 years ago.

One day I was teaching about the dangers to young girls of sugar daddies. To my surprise I was sacked from Personal Development by the principal for teaching outside the syllabus.

I found out later that he objected to any reference to sugar daddies. He had just snatched a 13 year old girl from grade 8 at St Peters school and made her his pregnant wife. He was a principal with no morality.

A young neighbor advised that last year there was a sugar daddy who would wait at the gate of Omili School in Lae and offer money to young girls to come with him for sex. The teachers chased him away.

There have been reports in the media of a high school in Port Moresby that had sugar daddies arrive after school and pick up young school girls to take off for sex. Many were old men.

We never hear about sugar daddies from the foreign paedophiles of AusAID and the UN. The LGBT young people are being gathered by UNAIDS. 

There is a massive sugar daddy paedophile conspiracy in this country. Foreign paedophiles think that if the national businessman sugar daddies can get away with paedophile abuse, so can the foreigners.

Thursday 14 June 2018


A media report from I Gat Hope president Janet Sangopa seeks to justify what appears to be non-existent work of care group I Gat Hop, a situation that always existed from the days of the thug founders.

She explains that their peer educators and counsellors go out to newly diagnosed people to help them stay on treatment.

All this does not ring true. Is I gat Hope ignoring the work of the official care groups in testing, counselling and providing medication? Nothing has changed in a decade of I Gat Hop lack of professionalism.

Sangopa says they send peers out to the community to support adherence to treatment and reduce loss to follow-up.

But the program manager Alfred Mark advised in the media yesterday that almost 50% of branches have no members.

Does I Gat Hop actually meet newly diagnosed PLWHIV or do they just talk around the community. This is mock work. 

They do not go to schools to teach AIDS awareness. That is checkable. They focus on uncheckables. They need permission of the Department of Education.

How do they find the names of people? Do care centres breach confidentiality by giving them lists? Not good.

Is seems as if the role of I Gat Hop is being fabricated. Sangopa says the plan is to raise the quality of clinical care. Are they suggesting the official care groups need to raise their standards?

Do they support families? That would be a key to raising the quality of clinical care. But I Gat Hop has always been anti-family and pushing the blame on parents. I Gat Hop will soon raise the issues that need to be addressed. 

These will undoubtedly include rights of children, no rights of parents, rights of LGBT children, rights of sex workers with full blame on parents and families. No mention of responsibilities.

If Sangopa's friends are dying of AIDS, then they are PLWHA not PLWHIV. Ignoring those not on antiretrovirals is DISCRIMINATION.

Wednesday 13 June 2018


With the anti-Family Living view of the founders of I Gat Hop care group, we have had contempt for their murderous presence on the PNG National HIV/AIDS response.

I Gat Hope has branched out into a small anonymous group called Kapul Champions whose agenda is not known by the community but involves LGBT young people. Do they plan to alienate young LGBT from their families? Are they anti-family?

How do Kapul Champions decide that a child is LGBT when all children go through a same-sex phase in early adolescence? Young girls hug and kiss their little girl best friend. Young boys grab and wrestle with their little boy best friend. Then they move on to heterosexual relationships in later teenage years.

In earlier time with Momo and the female thugs, children were to have full rights and parents were to have none. This was the message taken from the UN and AusAID paedophiles.

I Gat Hop announced in their conference full credit for publicizing the shortage of ARV drugs. We found out at the ANGAU AIDS centre. No big deal.

We will support I Gat Hop if they support the official paradigm shift to responsibilities of men and boys in loving families including LGBT family members. It has been embraced by the Government and churches.

Foreign lesbians and national activists have no idea of the dynamics of loving PNG extended families. There is gross overstatement in talk of stigma and discrimination. Love is often more powerful than HIV/AIDS and more enduring.

Shame and blame against parents is the work of childless paedophiles who regard all work by children as child labour. Do parents have to do all the work to avoid being condemned by the paedophiles?

Perhaps foreign lesbians never helped their mothers as young girls but sat around waiting to move away as a wife to some other woman. 

Many bisexual children are interested in sex with males and females because they were groomed and given a bisexual mindset as children by some adult paedophile.

Tuesday 12 June 2018


The National 13 June 2018

Foreign advisors struggle to find issues so they make up fake news. They would have reason to report if small children were slaving in opal mines or making bricks as in Mexico and India.

There is a report in the media today on child labour in Papua New Guinea that is identical to the same media report of two years ago. We denounced the earlier report as fake news. We do the same again.

The earlier report came from the UN lesbians on child labour and claimed that children were being forced to do street work, including vending, chopping firewood for sale, moving furniture, scavenging for scrap metal, gathering scrap food for pig feed and begging.

The same details appeared in The National today Page 8 reported by PNG Employers Federation director Florence Willie. Children directing traffic was not mentioned this time. Is Florence a national officer or just playing the foreign lesbian tune?

I recall watching out for child labour in Port Moresby as cited in the earlier report. But there was none.

These foolish foreign advisors know very little about child labour and can not differentiate with labour and daily help of children to their families. I have never seen children chopping wood in markets or directing traffic. Gathering scraps for pig feed is a new one.

I used to see children selling goods to the lines of cars in East Boroko but they were probably doing that without their parents' knowledge. The money earned if any went into cigarettes and drinks for themselves.

I recall kids who begged on the walkway going from the street above into down town Steamships. 

Kids would beg until they had enough money to dive into a kai bar for chips and Coca Cola. Then they would beg more for the next feed of chips and Coca Cola. That is what they did all day.

I have two little girls in my house related to my daughters. They clean the house, wash clothes, cook food and look after the small children. They are 13 and 12 years old. 

They are wonderful as the house could not exist without them. They insist on doing the work and receive a little pocket money. They will make great wives in future years able to carry out all the major functions of a house. 

The elder is a top grade 5 student at school.  I will send both on as far as they can go at school. That is life in this country that the foreign lesbians know nothing about. Paedophiles just want little girls and boys for sex not work.

Kids have to help their parents to run the family. Little girls have to help their mothers in the gardens. They have to do their turn serving in the family trade store. Little boys have to climb trees and throw stones. Haha.

Monday 11 June 2018


Let this report be a permanent record of the corruption and violence of the UN and AusAID paedophiles in Papua New Guinea during 2004 – 2015 in their effort to destroy the family Positive Living message even to the point of murder.

If thug parasites had murdered the Founder of AIDS Holistics, they would block the Family Positive Living message. They wanted to remove the caretaker of 3 Angels Care to steal the house with free food from AusAID paedophiles compliments of Australian taxpayers. PLWHA thugs saw their lifestyle as a free ride.

Three Angels Care was an AIDS centre foolishly set up in 2002 by Joe Lari at East Boroko.

It was soon hijacked by rogue PLWHA who planned to live in the centre as their permanent accommodation despite the fact that is was private property.

They refused to leave and threatened to burn the centre if they were evicted. They were Peter Momo, Maura Elaripe and Margaret Marabe. 

They were anti-family, having left their own families or been evicted for drunken behavior, home brew abuse, marijuana smoking and stress to all family members.

They pushed an anti-family message, blaming parents for all stigma and discrimination. The message ran counter to the AIDS Holistics family Positive Living message based on love, caring and support.

Momo and Elaripe were employed by the incompetent / corrupt African Head of UNDP for K800 a fortnight to promote…..wait for it…..Positive Living. There was no apparent output from them to the community at any stage.

This was part of the AusAID and UN effort to destroy the family Positive Living message by setting up a counter-message. The foreign paedophiles thought they were clever.

Then the founder of AIDS Holistics arrived at 3 Angels Care as caretaker. He had been working with Joe Lari for over 12 months before that. Joe could not handle the boozing, prostitution and violence at the care centre.

The rogue paedophiles of AusAID and the UN told the PLWHA thugs at 3 Angels Care that the founder had to be kicked out as he was a ‘violent, womanizing child molester’. The kettle was calling the pot black.

The real reason was that he and Joe Lari planned to set up a Positive Living Training Centre for HIV/AIDS sufferers and families to teach them how to live a peaceful and healthy life. This the paedophiles and rogue PLWHA did not want.

So from that time on, the founder at 3 Angels Care was accused of molesting every child in the neighbourhood. They even warned the neighbours to guard their children. But the morality at the centre among PLWHA was at an all time low. 

The message on child molesting started with Elizabeth Cox when she worked for AusAID. She was a lesbian predator on teenage girls now working for Barnados in Sydney

Margaret Marabe was not employed by UNDP as she was far too violent. She ruled the centre with a long bladed knife. So she set up her own private brothel in her room. She would bring men in quietly after 11pm for sex and booze.

Her son was 11 years old and would clean up her room in the morning, removing the empty beer bottles, cans and rubbish and throwing it all over the rail like a villager living beside a river.

He was seen by the caretaker who scolded him for the daily mess. Momo was nearby and saw the opportunity to murder the caretaker by shouting that he had caught the white man molesting a child.

Momo and Elaripe set up a kangaroo court that night and declared that the caretaker was under citizen’s arrest. They arranged three village men from the East Boroko settlement to come armed with bush knives.

The caretaker was to be chopped to pieces once the verdict of guilty was decided. Momo was the only witness. My 7 and 6 year old daughters stood beside me crying.

But the kangaroo Court ended with the unexpected arrival of the Provincial Care and Counselling officer who demanded to know what was going on. Momo suddenly had memory loss.

Within months, Momo and the African Head of UNDP were not in their jobs. The UN Head quietly disappeared.

Momo then pushed his way into I Gat Hop  and made himself the spokesperson preaching his anti-family Positive Living message with hate and blame for all parents, particularly his own.

I Gat Hop was supported by the paedophiles of AusAID and UN with sponsorship from a gay and lesbian group in Brisbane. Momo was not gay just an opportunistic con-man with no morality.

Then Momo died after a lifetime of boozing, domestic violence and chain smoking. He told lies about living with HIV / AIDS. He was the negative role model for the UN and I Gat Hop.

At 3 Angels Care, my daughters and I saw Momo bash his wife after she demanded money from his 800K UNDP fortnight pay before he went off boozing for the night.

He knocked her to the ground and kicked her in the head with his boots, leaving her lying in the dirt bleeding from the nose and mouth.

The question arises as to whether or not I Gat Hop is still anti-family and blaming parents for all problems of the PLWHA. Do they have a plan to remove all LGBT children from their families to be placed in paedophile care?

The lesson is that there is no value in setting up permanent accommodation for rogue PLWHA. It soon falls to pieces through greed and corruption. The bullies drive out the weak.

The caretaker and founder of AIDS Holistics was viciously bashed several times by the men who had been invited to live permanently as husbands at the centre by the HIV positive women. 

The centre was closed by the owner when one of the men bashed the door down with a axe. Momo was at the centre of the violence but stayed away like the coward that he was.

We will keep the community informed on our website of fake news from

Thursday 7 June 2018


Post Courier 18 June 2018

There is a media report that this care group has opened a media website to show the work of I Gat Hop and communicate concerns.

Program manager Alfred Marks said the focus will be on advocacy and lobbying rights for PLHIV people on discrimination and lack of accessibility.

The website will be monitored by AIDS Holistics to make sure that the message is not anti-family, anti-faith, anti-parents and focused on the rights of children without responsibilities and all blame on parents.

In the Past, I Gat Hop has made a practice of blaming families for all problems of the people suffering from HIV/AIDS and the LGBT people. That has to stop on this new website. That is baby talk.

We remind management of the official paradigm shift to the responsibilities of men and boys in loving families including LGBT young people.

We remind I Gat Hop of the move in the Department for Community Development to work with the churches.

AIDS Holistics will post appraisals of the reports on this new website.

There has always been fake news put out that sex work and same sex relationships have to be legalized as these people are afraid of going to care groups for treatment and being arrested by police. This is completely false.

There is now an error in the name of people PLWHIV. This presumes that these people will never advance to AIDS as they are on antiretroviral drugs. 

But over 50% of PNG people infected with HIV are not on drug treatment which means that they will go on to AIDS. They are PLWHA. They will suffer weight loss, memory loss, dementia and death.

Wednesday 6 June 2018


Many people in this country say of me that I have a white skin but a PNG heart. I do not accept the lesbian defamation of all men. 

The foreign lesbians spread the word years ago that I was a violent, womanising child abuser. That was their unsuccessful effort to kill the family Positive Living message.

There is a gigantic hoax staged by foreign lesbians in Port Moresby on ficticious attacks on women and girls in markets, at bus stops and on buses. It is only Port Moresby as foreign lesbians want to live nowhere else in Papua New Guinea.

UN Women has staged a plan to make them look useful that started about 6 years ago with fake news on market violence by lesbian Head of UN Women Elizabeth Cox. 

She had already made a false claim of trafficking women in the Sepik vanilla trade for which she was publicly condemned by Lady Carol Kidu.

Now that the official focus is on family, the lesbian focus has shifted to men in general attacking women and girls on public transport, at bus stops and in markets at Boroko and Waigani.

If there are men attacking women it is the remnant of the NCDC thug rangers prowling around harrassing women as fake inspectors who demand the right to search bags and steal contents of bags plus a K20 fine for dropping rubbish on the filthy ground.

There are media reports of con-men demanding fines of women without as much as an NCDC  receipt book or ID.

Foreign lesbians have set up a mobile venue in the form of lesbian seif buses that provide a venue for advice to women on empowerment and equality. There are sure to be duty lesbians riding shotgun looking for likely pretty young girls to recruit and groom.

There would be 300 public buses in Port Moresby and more than 30,000 women and girls on their way to and from work or school. 

The lesbian seif buses would be a drop in the ocean in carrying women and girls.

The fact of life is that there is always courtesy of men to women on public transport. There is a struggle of men and women to mount buses that may be almost full. Men know that women will never mount a bus and stand at the door with the men.

The foreign low class lesbians know nothing about men in this country. If a woman were attacked on public transport, there would be a busload of men come to her aid and bash the troublemaker. They would bring her bag and cell phone back and make sure she was safe.

Lesbians are hypocrites in blaming men but ignoring the well recorded violence of lesbians towards their same sex lovers. Please click:

Domestic violence in lesbian relationships - Wikipedia

Domestic violence within lesbian relationships is the pattern of violent and coercive 
behavior in ... other sources state domestic violence among gaylesbian, and 
bisexual individuals might be higher than that among heterosexual individuals, ..

All women who manage to get on board any public transport will always be offered a seat by a man. Most women never say thank you. The man just stands and moves down the back of the bus. Attacks on women are so rare as almost never to happen. This is a fake lesbian propaganda picture being painted.

We must never forget the fake claims of  2 women being raped at Boroko market the week before the UN Women open air meeting at the market. Even the Police Minister publicly scoffed at the report. It never happened.

One recent media report stated that 90% of women state that they were abused in some way on public transport That could mean anything and has all the hallmarks of fake foreign lesbian news.

If the UN Women want to complain about this report as cyber-crime, let them prove their claims on violence to women. Or let them stay silent as usual.