There is something romantic in going overseas to fight in some foreign war. It can be seen as a rite of passage for young people who can come back with pride at having done something away from their family as men and women.
In the 1930s, hundreds of Australians went to fight against the forces of the right wing Spanish dictator Franco in the Spanish Civil War. Many never came back. The German air force used them as target practice for World War 2, yet to come.
We saw the famous photo of the Spanish soldier taken by war photographer Robert Capa the moment a bullet killed him and he fell backwards with his rifle falling from lifeless hands.

There are now many young Australians and others going overseas to fight for the so-called Islamic State. All appear to be Moslem second or third generation Australian.
Some plan to come back to Australia at the end of their time to kill fellow countrymen. It is a great adventure. Many will never come back. It was not wise to have the profile of Jihad John in beheading innocent men. He did not learn that as a computer engineer at university in Australia.
An exploding vest of grenades removes a young wearer forever, fit only to be hosed away with water not buried. They will never be reassembled like a cartoon character ready for the next episode.
Boom ........ silence. The brain can not feel pain if it instantly becomes mince meat mixed with small pieces of intestine and bone, scattered over 50 square metres.
Do they really believe that a loving Allah will take them straight to heaven with the 20 plus innocent victims they have just killed? It is time for them to read of the mercy of Allah in the Quran. They are being tricked.
We read that they have been radicalized. What does that mean? Have they been filled with hate and the glory of Allah proud that they are beheading infidels? in their dreams.
Do they now consider that all their Moslem neighbours are enemy? Do all the Moslems in their Australian mosque deserve to die. I recall the story in the Bible of the man who said to God I am not like the rest of these sinners.
We have young girls who think it is a great adventure to leave an Australian school at 15-17, trick their parents and go to Syria to marry a so-called caliphate soldier. If it turns out not what they want, they cannot leave. They are now wives subject to Sharia discipline.
There was a report of one homesick young girl who wanted to go home. She was counselled by an IS soldier with a bullet in the brain.
Young men go to fight as so-called caliphate soldiers and may be allowed to return home to raise radical recruits. If they go home and change their minds, they are subject to execution.
Young men and women are playing with fire by travelling overseas or setting up a plan to kill Australians.
Death is at the end ......... not heaven.
An exploding vest of grenades removes a young wearer forever, fit only to be hosed away with water not buried. They will never be reassembled like a cartoon character ready for the next episode.
Boom ........ silence. The brain can not feel pain if it instantly becomes mince meat mixed with small pieces of intestine and bone, scattered over 50 square metres.
Do they really believe that a loving Allah will take them straight to heaven with the 20 plus innocent victims they have just killed? It is time for them to read of the mercy of Allah in the Quran. They are being tricked.
We read that they have been radicalized. What does that mean? Have they been filled with hate and the glory of Allah proud that they are beheading infidels? in their dreams.
Do they now consider that all their Moslem neighbours are enemy? Do all the Moslems in their Australian mosque deserve to die. I recall the story in the Bible of the man who said to God I am not like the rest of these sinners.
We have young girls who think it is a great adventure to leave an Australian school at 15-17, trick their parents and go to Syria to marry a so-called caliphate soldier. If it turns out not what they want, they cannot leave. They are now wives subject to Sharia discipline.
There was a report of one homesick young girl who wanted to go home. She was counselled by an IS soldier with a bullet in the brain.
Young men go to fight as so-called caliphate soldiers and may be allowed to return home to raise radical recruits. If they go home and change their minds, they are subject to execution.
Young men and women are playing with fire by travelling overseas or setting up a plan to kill Australians.
Death is at the end ......... not heaven.
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