Thursday 11 February 2016


Over recent years, the world has been horrified by violence of the so-called Islamic State controlled by one so-called caliph claiming authority over the world. 

No other Caliphate is to be allowed. All people should suffer death before Allah as infidels even Moslems who do not accept the authority of the caliph.

It has all happened before with the ascendancy of the Catholic Church in seeking to destroy all pagans who adopted the Bible as their authority. 

Hundreds of thousands of early believers shed their blood with the support of the Popes. All belief was the belief of the Papacy that traced its authority from Saint Peter. "Upon this rock, I will build my church."

Men and women died from burning at the stake. Women died throughout Europe accused of being witches who did not bow before the village priest but carried out duties as midwives and herbalists.

At the time of the Reformation, the teachings of Martin Luther were regarded as heresy and inspired hatred with the papacy that placed pressure on the German emperor and princes to excommunicate and imprison Martin Luther the rebel priest.

The view was that the Catholic Church had the one and only right to promote faith with exclusive authority on all doctrine.

We see this happening with the so-called Moslem caliphate that will demand exclusive right to all doctrine. Those who refuse will suffer death by genocide.

All doctrine will be non-negotiable with believers required to accept all belief without question. Doctrine issues were none of their business. Priests had exclusive right to promulgate belief without reference to Scripture.

Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther relied on the infallibility of Scripture and slowly convinced the citizens of Europe.

Neither he nor the Popes had the support of national armies, air strikes nor drone attacks. People of Germany did not suffer terrorist attacks as now occurring across Europe and the Middle East today.

But the Catholic Church would welcome any violence against heretics who did not renounce their faith and embrace the teachings of the Catholic Church. Early victims were the Albigensians, Waldenses and Anabaptists.

Catholic priests of the sixteenth century lived in splendour and engaged in debauchery according to Martin Luther.

Surely paedophile abuse of children has a long history in the Catholic Church going back to the beginning. The faithful kept silent for fear of going to hell.

The Moslems have Sharia law which may be a factor in saving the world from sexual depravity of men including Moslem men.

But the Moslem fighters today do not protect women and girls. They rape, traffic, kill and enslave them. Many Moslem men marry small girls and tear them apart with an adult penis.

Let us hope that the modern Catholic Church is moving to a second reformation. Priests are not to tear boys' anuses apart and destroy their faith. Shepherds do not abuse the sheep.

The present pope appears to be a kind and caring man focused on mercy. He may be unable to stop the depravity of priests, starting with the secret gay clique recently revealed in St Peters. The Catholic church has a paedophile culture.

Gay rights are secondary. Paedophile abuse is the key issue in the Catholic and Moslem faiths

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