Wednesday 4 April 2018


There has been much focus in the media on sexual abuse of children. This is a serious problem  in the nation and world. 

The answer lies in a positive focus in the media on the importance of family rights and responsibilities. Arrests and punishment still serve as deterrents.

It is too easy to promote the false impression that families and children are abused. This is not true. 

There are hundreds of thousands of families in this country with loving parents and children who are cherished and cared for. They should become the role models through the media.

The nation is very fortunate that there is a powerful Personal Development curriculum in Papua New Guinea schools that takes students through from grades 6 to 12.

They learn of the needs, roles, rights and responsibilities of family members. They learn of the importance of love, care, dignity, respect, gender equality and self esteem of all members within the nuclear and extended families.

This message is developed and redeveloped from grade to grade over 6 years of school. Boys and girls learn of the importance of choosing wisely in finding a partner acceptable to the family. The young person has to be acceptable to the family of the partner.

Young people learn that their family provides their key protection as they grow to adulthood. Young girls need to inform parents of where they are going, with whom and when they will be back.

If they tell lies they may find problems if they are kidnapped, raped and murdered a hundred kilometers away from where they told their parents they were going.

Young people are taught how to be mentors to their younger brothers and sisters. They must warn them never to allow themselves to be snatched by men on the way to school, in the market or at the river.

They must tell their parents never to put the name of their brother or sister on their school bag to give a kidnapper the chance to call the child by name. 

“ Hullo Mary, I am your uncle. Your daddy is in hospital and told me to take you to him”. Go and see your teacher. He will be gone when you come back.

The child must never approach the man in a car and give him the chance to open the door and grab his victim.. The brother or sister must run in the opposite direction, go into a shop or the school grounds.

The Personal Development curriculum allows the child to think out a future life from early age. Girls must not allow themselves to be trapped into a relationship if pregnant.

Both boys and girls must ensure that they have education and a job before marriage. The girl must not marry a boy with low education and no job.

She needs a man with a fortnight pay who support her education and job search. Two pays in the family are better than one.

This nation needs a family column in the media each week.

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