Sunday 25 October 2015


After the 1967 War against Jordan, Syria and the Palestinians, the Israelis defeated their enemies and took land on the West Bank, Golan Heights and Gaza Strip. Large areas of land have never been given back and became part of the spoils of war.

The world feels sadness for the Palestinians though at the same time feeling sympathy for the Israelis. The Golan Heights was strategic ground from which the Syrians bombarded the Israeli kibbutzes.

We remember that during World War 2, the Jews were taken by the Nazis from their homes in German towns and villages. Those who came back after the war, found their homes occupied by others who refused to move out. These houses were permanently spoils of war. 

The Jews had just to walk away. That is what they are doing to their neighbours particularly on the West Bank. Land is being taken up for housing settlements. They are getting revenge on the Palestinians for what the Germans did to the Jews.

The Jews in World War 2 were victims of Nazi propaganda that promoted that the Jews were the aggressors seeking to destroy German society and economy. They were the losers which made their property the spoils of war even though the Germans lost the war. Please click:

horror of the nazi holocaust - family positive living - aids ...
Apr 26, 2012 - Having just bought a DVD on the BBC history of World War 2, I have sat and watched about 6 hours of the nazi holocaust against the Jews.

Now the Israelis are keeping the spoils of war on the basis that the Palestinians were the aggressors.

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