Sunday 27 March 2011


I will try to explain this concept with the simplicity and clarity
of a Biology teacher. I will start at the beginning so that you can
see the big picture and understand the flow of body processes.
Please keep for future reference.

We have to understand 3 body systems – blood, lymphatic and
digestive systems.

Blood System consists of fluid pushed around the blood system
by pressure from the heart.

The system carries nutrients, enzymes, oxygen, water and salts
around the blood to be taken up by cells and metabolized in the
cell mitochondria in a process called the Kreb’s cycle. Ultimate
body elixir is made in the form of adenosine triphosphate. In
final AIDS, this process ceases.

Waste is carried from the cells through the blood to be deposited
in the capillaries of the small intestine and carried through the wall
of the small intestine into the gut to pass out with faeces.

This is important as we see the path of the HIV particles traveling
with the waste through the walls of the small intestine. It just floats.

Lymph System consists of lymphatic vessels that travel from
our feet upwards in two channels filled with white fluid called lymph.
Lymph carries white blood cells that consist of CD4, CD8, dendritic
cells and others. Lymph vessels enter the blood ystem by connection
to the large veins that enter on each side of the heart.

The CD4 cells have other names depending on where the cells are
found. These may be T-cells named because these are made in the
thymus. Others are called mucosa cells. The white blood cells
have functions of identifying and memorizing foreign particles,
herding and engulfing.

The lymph system also consists of lymph nodes that exist along
the lymph vessels like strings of grapes. Those on the surface can
be felt in the groin, neck and underarms when there is infection.

Lymph looks like water. We see lymph in blisters. When Jesus
was speared, water came out of his side. This was probably the
effect on the lymph and blood systems of hanging on the cross.
Lymph and blood are pumped by the action of moving muscles
which are paralyzed by crucifixion. The lymph system has no

The lymph system includes the thymus, spleen and long bones, all
of which can be hiding places or reservoirs for the HIV virus. Red
and white blood cells are manufactured in the marrow of the long
bones and can be damaged there by HIV.

Digestive System consists of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach,
duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. The
virus enters the digestive system through the small intestine
as it passes out with waste.

But it is more than that. The digestive system from the mouth is
covered with a thin skin or mucosa. Put your finger in your mouth
and feel the thin skin on the inner cheeks. We have mucosa
down the length of the digestive tract ending in the mucosa
of the anus. Mucosa cells are susceptible to HIV in mouth and

In mucosa are CD4 cells that are part of the skin. These protect
the body from viruses or germs that enter through the mouth,
intestine, genitals and anus. There are free floating CD4 cells in
the blood and lymph.

The greatest accumulation of bacteria and germs is in genitals, anus
and small intestine. So these are the sites of the greatest accumulation
of CD4 cells and become the greatest sites of concentration of
HIV particles that replicate in and destroy the CD4 cells of the
mucosal lining.

The CD4 cells in semen have already been destroyed with semen full
of HIV that have replicated in the CD4 of the semen. We have to
understand that HIV does not attack. The CD4 engulfs the HIV
to destroy it but the CD4 is destroyed instead.

3 Dec 2005 ... HIV-infected white blood cells have been detected throughout the
male genital tract, and in preejaculatory fluid and semen from HIV+men [5 ... - Cached - Similar

Within a fortnight of infection with HIV, there is a mass movement of
the virus from the lymph system to the blood system and to the gut
lining. Gut wall is destroyed in two weeks of infection as the HIV
replicates in the millions of CD4 cells of gut lining.

Gut warfare NEWS FEATURE indicates that HIV's initial attack is swift and deadly,
destroying CD4 cells in the gut where, in fact, most of the body's CD4 cells reside. ... - Cached - Similar

There is still enough gut lining to allow some nutrition to pass into the
body. The main point of absorption is the epithelial lining that can
still operate.

The epithelial cells are destroyed mainly in gay men when they lick
anuses and take the eggs of coccidian gut parasites into the gut to
reproduce in and destroy the epithelial cells. That is why AIDS
Holistics writes on anus licking, not just to annoy the gays, even
though it does.

with HIV infection.15 The prevalence of coccidian parasitic infection is high
... tion of coccidian parasites and HIV infec- ... - Cached - Similar

The break-down of the gut lining causes massive damage to body
systems over a number of years. Water and salts are not absorbed
causing a change in the water salt balance. This affects metabolism
and respiration. Cells, tissues, lungs and blood cease to function

If the sufferer begins ARV treatment as early as possible and the
drugs are acceptable to the body, the virus will be killed in the blood
but not in hiding places.

This will stop the virus from further penetrating the gut lining and
allows the gut to mend. There are ARV drugs that impair
the operation of cell mitochondria that are the furnaces of cells.
The Krebs Cycle is still impaired. Metabolism slows and ceases.
The non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor group has such
an effect. HIV will affect cell mitochindria too.

Mitochondrial toxicity and HIV therapy -- White 77 (3): 158 ...
Early studies showed that HIV RNA could be found in mitochondria of infected
cells, and that there were mitochondrial alterations in patients with the acute
... - Similar

But the gut and other body tissues can only mend with ARV if
the sufferer commences to rebuild the body with what had been
lost. There must be a strong diet of protein, glucose, salts,
vitamins, enzymes and water. Body systems start to return
almost to normal. The news is better than scientists had first

HIV/AIDS Treatment Should Target Gut Lining, Researchers Say - The ...
19 Dec 2006 ... HIV/AIDS Treatment Should Target Gut Lining, Researchers Say, at
The Body PRO, the HIV/AIDS resource for health care professionals. - Cached - Similar

But the gay and lesbian overlords have blocked this explanation.
It brings the community close to gay anal practices. Their message
is of the virus entering, reproducing in CD4, viral load goes up,
CD4 goes down with opportunistic infections and death. Keep
it simple for the heterosexuals. If possible, tell them nothing. Just
keep it at rights and condoms.

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