Saturday 1 February 2014


I am not an expert in tuberculosis but will tell what I know. I suffered from tuberculosis in 2010 and spent three weeks in the Intensive Care Unit of the Port Moresby Hospital misdiagnosed as having a heart attack. Please click:
I felt quite ashamed as I thought this would indicate poor hygiene on my part. But the doctor advised that we can contract TB from any social source - on a bus, in a bank queue or in a restaurant.
I was told that large numbers of people have TB infection but it only bursts forth when the immune system is low.
I was told there are two kinds of tuberculosis. There is intro-pulmonary infection (inside the lungs) and extra-pulmonary infection (outside the lungs).
I had extra -pulmonary infection which meant I did not cough mucus and could not pass the infection to other people. But I found difficulty in breathing. It may have been the fluid pressing on the lungs from the outside cavity.
Others have intro-pulmonary infection with mucus inside the lungs to be coughed up at any time. The infection can now be transmitted in coughing to other people.
Grace had intro-pulmonary infection which meant that she had to cough up mucus at any time. A person becomes non-infectious after 2 weeks of TB medicine according to the doctor.

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