Friday 28 February 2014


The world has been struggling with Outcome Based Education. The problem has been that it is all too theoretical and difficult.
Outcome Based Education started with another name. It was Mastery Learning as designed and refined by Dr Benjamin Bloom from 1955.

Mastery learning was spurned by the so-called academics as it was seen as not theoretical and complex enough. It did not sort out the dummos from the high level students. They said that Mastery Learning was dumbing down the process of education.

It had to be made more complex if the USA was to overtake the USSR in the cold war space race. Already the USA had been horrified in 1956 by the launching of the satellite Sputnik by the USSR.

But Mastery Learning had the focus of promoting skill in the basics for all students. Not good enough.

The academics thought that education should focus on the intelligent students. The dummos could work for the local meat works, supermarkets and city councils.

The new approach was called Outcome Based Education and the world sank into confusion. No basics meant that students were being required to run before they could crawl.

Mastery Learning proceeded from the simple to complex, concrete to abstract and known to unknown. Outcome Based Education went from complex to complex, unknown to unknown and abstract to more abstract.

This is the problem that faces Papua New Guinea The elitist consultants introduced the Outcome Based mode with limited focus on the basics. The focus was on research which was quite useless in schools with no libraries and few computers.

But a new breath of fresh air has come to Papua New Guinea with a basics focused program of Mastery Learning. Problems of students are taken into account as they practise the basics daily. Please click:


Interested students will achieve up to 100% accuracy in writing, science and mathematics. But that is not good enough. There has to be a failure rate of at least 20% of students.

The overriding criterion has become entry to university. If the low average students can achieve high grades by Mastery Learning, does this mean they will clog up the universities by being stupid and unable to perform the tasks?

The early assessment was called Norm Referenced Learning. Education had to separate students into boxes of brilliant, average and dummo.

Mastery Learning brought Criterion Referenced Learning by which students were graded by achievement.

It seems that PNG education allows internal assessment by Criterion Referenced Learning and external assessment by Norm Referenced Learning.

That keeps the dummos out of university. The system is unfair if students do not have the opportunity to practise the Norm Referenced skills in school. They are being set up for failure.

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