Sunday 20 September 2015


Already in Port Moresby, the El Nino drought is being felt with channels dry, grass and trees dying and cracks appearing in the ground.

People are already going around the streets with bags of bottles. This will increase across the country as the drought advances and water becomes scarce.

Bottles of all sizes will be on sale in markets and on roadsides. Every day, there will be thousands of travellers on roads who will buy bottles of water.

It will become a growth industry as the drought deepens over the next 6 months.

There will be sites across the country which provide water for villagers. Rivers fed by aquifers will not run dry.

We are told that many highlands villagers have access to ground water that has been stored under the limestone for a million years. Villagers know where to find groundwater in an emergency.

There will have to be a spirit of cooperation among villagers who must allow access to their neighbours.

Trucks need to be made available with a fibre glass tank in the back carrying water for one or more village.

Water is the gift of God and not to be denied to neighbours. It is also important for washing. A lack of water can bring disease.

We need to make sure that the water we buy is not polluted having been collected in a drain.

All water has been on the planet since time began. Not a drop has been lost in all that time.

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