Saturday 26 December 2015


In western countries, wars are fought between armies. Men sign up to join the defence of the nation. Then they go to fight overseas while families wait at home in safety.

In World War 2, the fighting moved into the cities of Europe. Allied bombers destroyed German cities. 

At the end of the war in one night of horror, Dresden suffered RAF carpet bombing so fierce that the massive fire ball swallowed up the oxygen for a whole city. Over 300,000 Germans died.

Nothing destroys morale for soldiers like news reports that their family back home is dead.

The wars in Libya, Iraq and Syria involve families in day to day fighting and rocket attacks. Children die as a matter of daily routine. 

Many men are civilians in uniform not jihadists and taken up arms to defend their families hiding in cities. They could have moved out as refugees into Europe but they stayed. They will end up supporting the side that wins for the sake of their families.

Many families in Syria hide in bombed shelters with  no lighting, water, sanitation or food. Many have their children, grandchildren and the children of dead neighbours. Please click 

Syria's civilians living a 'life worse than death ... -
Dec 7, 2015 -The BBC's Lyse Doucet meets displaced 
Syrian families facing severe. 
Daily life in Syria is 'worse than death', say people in ...

It is interesting to read BBC reports that the UN is permitted to move into devastated areas to supply food, water and medical treatment, except the Islamic State areas. The IS believe that all people have the right to die as infidels.

The world must have compassion for these Moslem people. They have families and neighbours crowding into Europe. What more can they do?

Their immediate priority is security for family, medical treatment, food, water and a place to keep families safe. The report above states that nearly 1 million civilians have no chance of aid. 

European governments have to allow refugees within the capacity of the nation. They may be being used as refugee fodder in the Moslem jihad. They are the peaceful invasion of Europe. It is largely not the fault of the refugees.

When will it all stop? Will the IS caliphate extend to other Levant nations to set up an empire? Will there be millions more refugees to come as innocent pawns in a plan to take over Europe?

Is there an agenda for the Moslem leadership to expand the Moslem empire into Iraq, Iran, Saudi, Libya, Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbechistan, Chechnya and Pakistan? 

The Islamic state must be defeated on the ground by the forces of Moslem nations supported by allied forces in the air. 

The final phase in the jihad will be to drive the Israelis into the Mediterranean Sea. Gun emplacements will go back on the Golan Heights, this time armed with rockets to reach Jerusalem.

This is a saga that started 1000 years ago with the Crusades. This time the Christians will be driven out of the Holy land.

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