The problem started 30 years ago when governments of the world mistook the AIDS pandemic for a "gay plague" and allowed the world gays, lesbians and paedophiles to take control.
Gays came out of their closets. Paedophiles came out of their public toilets. Take control they did in the US, European nations and Australia.
The gays 'came out' in large numbers in gay and lesbian mardi gras, requiem mourning for gays who died and a Positive Living message on exercise in gyms with healthy living in gay saunas with blended fruit juices.
Their Positive Living message was mainly hedonistic and sexual, excluding FAITH and FAMILY.
The world first came to know that the gay gyms and saunas were places where gay men could have sex with dozens of men in one night.
Gays came out of their closets. Paedophiles came out of their public toilets. Take control they did in the US, European nations and Australia.
The gays 'came out' in large numbers in gay and lesbian mardi gras, requiem mourning for gays who died and a Positive Living message on exercise in gyms with healthy living in gay saunas with blended fruit juices.
Their Positive Living message was mainly hedonistic and sexual, excluding FAITH and FAMILY.
The world first came to know that the gay gyms and saunas were places where gay men could have sex with dozens of men in one night.
Toilets in the gyms had glory holes through which two men could have anonymous sex. No wonder the HIV infection rate among gays continues to be the highest in the world. The tax payer pays: Please click:
no glory in glory holes - family positive living - aids holistics
3 Dec 2011 – FAMILY POSITIVE LIVING - AIDS HOLISTICS ... The height of

no glory in glory holes - family positive living - aids holistics
3 Dec 2011 – FAMILY POSITIVE LIVING - AIDS HOLISTICS ... The height of
gay depravity can be seen in the glory holes that were placed in gay gyms
They wrote their own agenda in which they placed major focus on gay and lesbian rights. The major societal unit was the family but this was vilified and ignored. Children had to be released from the tyranny of family.
The homosexual lobby worked to neutralize the family including the fathers and faith. The community just stood by and allowed it to happen. We were not allowed to know of the feral domestic violence among gay and lesbian couples. Please click:
26 Nov 2011 – FAMILY POSITIVE LIVING - AIDS HOLISTICS. faith, hope ... Domestic Violence
in Gay and Lesbian Relationships ... is roughly the same as ...
26 Nov 2011 – FAMILY POSITIVE LIVING - AIDS HOLISTICS. faith, hope ... Domestic Violence
in Gay and Lesbian Relationships ... is roughly the same as ...
They started the propaganda that the gay and lesbian lifestyle was good and proper. Any heterosexual who disagreed was deemed to be homophobic. The community just stood by and let it happen.
They wrote a gay and lesbian AIDS message. All aspects that did not show a positive image were deleted. Gay men have a habit of licking anuses of partners and swallowing faeces infested with gut parasite eggs.
That was censored. The gut parasite infestations were falsely called opportunistic infections. These were lifestyle infections of gay men. Two pandemics were merged by the homosexual activists into one pandemic with opportunistic infections. Please click:
That was censored. The gut parasite infestations were falsely called opportunistic infections. These were lifestyle infections of gay men. Two pandemics were merged by the homosexual activists into one pandemic with opportunistic infections. Please click:
OLD STORY - NEW STORY ... The new message is there for all to see on Google.
Gut parasite infestation in the small intestine competes with the attack of the HIV on the gut lining. So both the HIV and gut parasite attacks are deeply censored.
Not a good public image for gay men to be thought of with lips covered in diarrhoea faeces of a partner. Picture the mouth of a small boy who had just eaten a chocolate icecream.
It is essential for the community to know of the gut attack of HIV. It lays the foundation for the effects of the ART and the importance of strong nutrition to mend the damaged gut lining. CENSORED. Too close to the faeces eating and gut attack.
It is essential for the community to know of the gut attack of HIV. It lays the foundation for the effects of the ART and the importance of strong nutrition to mend the damaged gut lining. CENSORED. Too close to the faeces eating and gut attack.
Key enemies of the homosexual lobby had to be neutralized. These were church, family and parents, particularly fathers.
Many fathers will fight to protect their sons and daughters from gays, lesbians and paedophiles. The Australian homosexual activist lobby failed to neutralize AIDS Holistics. Please click:
Sunday Chronicle PNG Letters: The old story versus the new
30 Jan 2010 – THE old story of HIV/AIDS told of the virus entering the
Many fathers will fight to protect their sons and daughters from gays, lesbians and paedophiles. The Australian homosexual activist lobby failed to neutralize AIDS Holistics. Please click:
Sunday Chronicle PNG Letters: The old story versus the new
30 Jan 2010 – THE old story of HIV/AIDS told of the virus entering the
body, attacking ... Positive Living can help the sufferer to live a healthy
life for 10-12 years. If the world can not afford free ARV, then sufferers
and families have to settle for ...
Boys and girls were to be taught to be ANTI-FAMILY, ANTI-FAITH and ANTI-MEN. Focus in the propaganda came to be men being violent to women and girls. Any opposition was seen to be a reflection of community discrimination and stigma.
Boys and girls were to be taught to be ANTI-FAMILY, ANTI-FAITH and ANTI-MEN. Focus in the propaganda came to be men being violent to women and girls. Any opposition was seen to be a reflection of community discrimination and stigma.
The community feeling has been falsified. Parents who seek to protect their children from the paedophile lobby are called homophobic. The only defence of the homosexual lobby has been name calling, false accusations with anonymous email and website reports.
We are told that the infection rate is dropping in the world. Gays are even telling us that the HIV infection rate is rising among the gays, bisexuals and transsexual men.
But that is put down to fear of the homophobic colonial laws, stigma and discrimination. Surely these men were having sex without any thought for legalizing homosexual sex. It is all very predictable.
If the rate is rising among these people, then they are not using a condom. It must be difficult for a grown man to insert a condom covered penis into the anus of a young boy. Let him be infected. I will be long gone before he is tested. Many paedophiles are hiding under gay rights.
The overriding emotion in the community is fear of HIV infection, particularly in protection of the boys and girls. But the lying and cheating gay and lesbian lobby calls this stigma and discrimination.
Parents have the right to feel afraid for the safety of their children from sexually driven men and women known in the community to be sexually active. This is called stigma and discrimination. The gay, lesbian and paedophile lobby wants free access. Please click:
There will be many HIV infected heterosexuals, gays and paedophiles who knowingly have sex without a condom. That makes them serial killers. They deserve stigma and discrimination as well as a gaol sentence. We are told that to express such an opinion is homophobic.
Since the gay and lesbian curriculum introduced in Massachusetts and South Africa, the HIV infection of school boys and girls would have risen rapidly, murdered by their gay and lesbian teachers.
Since the gay and lesbian curriculum introduced in Massachusetts and South Africa, the HIV infection of school boys and girls would have risen rapidly, murdered by their gay and lesbian teachers.
Gays, lesbians and paedophiles want to take control of school curriculum The alarm bells have been rung in Papua New Guinea with the 2011 plan of the Department of Education to distribute condoms to schools. This had occurred in Massachusetts supported by Obama and Romney.
They want to introduce all children to all aspects of gay and lesbian sex. The lifestyle has been presented as a rightful life option for boys and girls. That is why they want to force the legalization of gay and lesbian sex.
Churches are to be ignored with credibility destroyed as well as parents as both are homophobic. God and Allah are homophobic, out of date, and presented to the community in scriptural fairy stories.
Only recently Save the Children was kicked out of a Moslem country. That is where the real backlash is going to come.
Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Mr O'Neill spoke to the SBS radio in Australia on a recent visit.
He was reported in the media as conceding that old fashioned ideas were holding back the rights of the disabled. He is being pushed into supporting the gay and lesbian decriminalization legislation that will come up again.
He was reported in the media as conceding that old fashioned ideas were holding back the rights of the disabled. He is being pushed into supporting the gay and lesbian decriminalization legislation that will come up again.
Old fashioned ideas come from the Bible and the Koran. God and Allah are man-made concepts and fake. Jesus and Mohammed were good story tellers nothing more.
Suddenly gay and lesbian rights is being linked to the rights of the disabled. They are restrategizing after the disastrous World AIDS Day debacle and the failed fake market rape.
Conceding means that the point was made by the SBS reporter not by the Prime Minister. Please click:
Daily hit tally: 77, 870
Conceding means that the point was made by the SBS reporter not by the Prime Minister. Please click:
Daily hit tally: 77, 870
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